Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
Volume 8 Number 33 1968
EA9680401The value of a poultry litter and wheat mixture in the drought feeding of weaner sheep
P McInnes, PJ Austin and DL Jenkins
pp. 401-404
EA9680405 Observations on the response of Merino weaners to a fodder supplement, a feeding block, and cobalt and selenium treatments
P McInnes, BC Roberts, PM Finlayson and JV Russel
pp. 405-408
EA9680413 The digestibility and intake of six varieties of Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana)
R Milford and DJ Minson
pp. 413-418
EA9680419Protein digestibility in sheep and cattle in north-western Australia
DW Robinson and GA Stewart
pp. 419-424
EA9680425The influence of supplementary feeding on growth and fertility of beef heifers grazing natural pastures
EJ Sparke and DR Lamond
pp. 425-433
EA9680440Thiabendazole and 2-aminobutane as post-harvest fungicides for citrus
JA Seberry and Robyn A Baldwin
pp. 440-443
EA9680444Biennial bearing of the Granny Smith apple and its control by chemical thinning
JEL Cripps
pp. 444-449
EA9680450The effect of Alar on vegetative growth and fruiting behaviour of three varieties of apples in the Central Tablelands of New South Wales
Margaret A Oldham and WJ Greenhalgh
pp. 450-455
EA9680461Relative tolerance of rooted cuttings of four Vinifera varieties to sodium chloride
DMcE Alexander and RC Woodham
pp. 461-465
EA9680466Manganese uptake by tobacco and bean plants grown on soils of the Mareeba-Dimbulah Irrigation Area, north Queensland
WJ Lovett and AD Johnson
pp. 466-469
EA9680491The use of saline water for irrigating rice in northern Australia
RW Strickland
pp. 491-495