Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
Volume 10 Number 46 1970
EA9700544Relative economic importance of some wool quality traits for Merino and crossbred wool types
PD Mullaney and ID Sanderson
pp. 544-548
EA9700549 Comparisons of the productivity of sheep grazing natural pastures of the Riverine Plain
AD Wilson and JH Leigh
pp. 549-554
EA9700555Symbiotic competence of Trifolium subterraneum lines of low oestrogenic isoflavone content
J Brockwell and AC Robinson
pp. 555-561
EA9700562The effects of some pesticides on root nodule bacteria and subsequent nodulation
A Diatloff
pp. 562-567
EA9700577Effects of stage of defoliation on seed production and growth of Stylosanthes humilis
DS Loch and LR Humphreys
pp. 577-581
EA9700592Tests for phosphates from Rum Jungle, Northern Territory
MJ Fisher and MJT Norman
pp. 592-598
EA9700614A comparison of plastic and tile drain pipes with differing cover materials
JG Obbink
pp. 614-621
EA9700640 Effect of rootstocks of oriental origin on pears under irrigation in the Goulburn Valley
A Selimi and JC Keatley
pp. 640-643
EA9700651Benzimidazole derivatives as post-harvest fungicides to control rotting of pears, cherries, and apricots
BB Beattie and NL Outhred
pp. 651-656