Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
Volume 10 Number 43 1970
EA9700145Growth and carcase quality of lambs fed concentrate rations in a feedlot
B Romberg, GR Pearce and DE Tribe
pp. 145-150
EA9700151Control of barley grass (Hordeum leporinum) by grazing management in irrigated pastures
LF Myers and VR Squires
pp. 151-155
EA9700156Response to salinity in Glycine. 5. Changes in the chemical composition of three Australian species of G. wightii (G. javanica) over a range of salinity stresses
JR Wilson, KP Haydock and MF Robins
pp. 156-165
EA9700166Damage to ryegrass plants of different size by various densities of the pruinose scarab (Sericesthis geminata (Coleoptera))
RL Davidson, RJ Wensler and VJ Wolfe
pp. 166-171
EA9700172Chemical control of the cereal cyst nematode (Heterodera avenae) in the Victorian Mallee
RH Brown, JW Meagher and NK McSwain
pp. 172-173
EA9700176Nitrogen response of IR8 rice at Coastal Plains Research Station in northern Australia
JJ Basinski and DR Airey
pp. 176-182
EA9700183Some problems in the estimation of simultaneous fertilizer requirements of crops from response surfaces
JD Colwell and KM Stackhouse
pp. 183-195
EA9700196A scheme for preliminary study of soil fertility in a district
WM McArthur and K Spencer
pp. 196-202
EA9700209Soil water use from an apple orchard under various soil management systems
JDF Black and PD Mitchell
pp. 209-213
EA9700218Effect of soil management, pH, and fertilizers on Packham's Triumph and Josephine de Malines pears
A Selimi and JC Keatley
pp. 218-223
EA9700235Thiabendazole to reduce rotting in Packham's Triumph pears during storage and marketing
KJ Scott and EA Roberts
pp. 235-236
EA9700237Potassium permanganate as an ethylene absorbent in polyethylene bags to delay ripening of bananas during storage
KJ Scott, WB McGlasson and EA Roberts
pp. 237-240