Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
Volume 11 Number 50 1971
EA9710274The effects of method and time of debeaking on weight gains and food consumption of chickens
JD Connor and DE Fuelling
pp. 274-277
EA9710278Leaching by rain of sodium fluoroacetate ('1080') from baits used for rabbit control
PV Corr and P Martire
pp. 278-281
EA9710295 Wheat yields and indices of available soil nitrogen in Southern NSW – A preliminary evaluation
RR Storrier, AT Hanly, TB Spence and AN Smith
pp. 295-298
EA9710328Studies on some neutral red duplex soils (Dr 2.12) in north-eastern Queensland. 1. Morphological and chemical characteristics
BJ Crack and RF Isbell
pp. 328-335
EA9710343Available water storage in a range of soils in north-eastern Queensland
RL McCown
pp. 343-348
EA9710352Low temperature induced male sterility in Sorghum bicolor
RW Downes and DR Marshall
pp. 352-356
EA9710357Effect of chloride in solution culture on growth and chloride uptake of Sultana and Salt Creek grape vines
D McEAlexander and JG Obbink
pp. 357-361