Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
Volume 11 Number 48 1971
EA9710014Modification of carcase characteristics in sheep maintained on a saline water regime
DJ Walker, BJ Potter and GB Jones
pp. 14-17
EA9710029Some factors affecting the growth of lotononis (Lotononis bainesii)
WW Bryan, JP Sharpe and KP Haydock
pp. 29-34
EA9710035The effect of burr burial on the seed of some early maturing subterranean clover cultivars
BJ Quinlivan and CM Francis
pp. 35-38
EA9710045A comparative study of two methods of applying CCC ((2-chloroethyl) trimethylommonium chloride) to wheat
LB Lowe and OG Carter
pp. 45-47
EA9710048Some factors responsible for varying effectiveness of stomatal closing antitranspirants
Dov Wilson GL Pasternak
pp. 48-52
EA9710053Response by irrigated grain sorghum to broadcast gypsum and phosphorus on a heavy clay soil
JC Noble and CR Kleinig
pp. 53-58
EA9710059The sulphur status of wheat in red-brown earths in southern NSW
J Lipsett and CH Williams
pp. 59-63
EA9710064Current and residual effects of calcium sulphonate applications on a sulphur deficient basaltic soil
KD McLachlan and Marco DG De
pp. 64-71
EA9710071Fertility studies of pasture soils in the wet tropical coast of Queensland 1. Soil-vegetation classification units
JK Teitzel and RC Bruce
pp. 71-76
EA9710077Fertility studies of pasture soils in the wet tropical coast of Queensland. 2. Granitic soils
JK Teitzel and RC Bruce
pp. 77-84
EA9710105Orchard soil management trials. 2. Effect of herbicides and nitrogen on growth and yield of young apple trees in permanent pasture
P Baxter and BJ Newman
pp. 105-117
EA9710113The spread of cross-pollination in a solid block of Granny Smith apples
DH Maggs, GJ Martin and RA Needs
pp. 113-117
EA9710123Effect of calcium sprays on the severity of internal browning in Brussels sprouts
CR Millikan, EN Bjarnason and BC Hanger
pp. 123-128