Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
Volume 13 Number 60 1973
EA9730009 The roughage requirement of early weaned calves
RC Kellaway, T Grant and JW Chudleigh
pp. 9-12
EA9730013Effect of stocking rate and liveweight on production from crossbred ewes
HM Russell and AG Blackburn
pp. 13-21
EA9730022Production feeding of lambs with diets based on grain. 1. Whole wheat plus sodium buffers or sodium chloride
DG Saville, CH Davis, HG Willats and P McInnes
pp. 22-26
EA9730027Drought feeding of sheep. 3. The relative importance of components of wool growth in explaining the wool growth differences between strains and diets
DG Saville, AC Gleeson and WR McManus
pp. 27-34
EA9730035Studies in flock mating of sheep. 5. Incidence, duration and effect on flock fertility of initial sexual inactivity in young rams
PE Mattner, AWH Braden and JM George
pp. 35-41
EA9730048Decorticated safflower meal as a protein supplement for sorghum and wheat based pig diets
KC Williams and LJ Daniels
pp. 48-55
EA9730056Factors affecting competition between subterranean clover and a barley cover crop
AA McGowan and WA Williams
pp. 56-62
EA9730069Changes in nitrogen and sulphur content and other soil properties after application of ammonium sulphate to grazed pastures in Western Australia
ER Watson, P Lapins and EAN Greenwood
pp. 69-74
EA9730075A comparison of fertilizer programmes for the development and maintenance of sown pasture on a sulphur deficient basaltic soil
KD McLachlan and Marco DG De
pp. 75-80
EA9730081Studies on some deep sandy soils in Cape York Peninsula, North Queensland. 1. Morphological and chemical characteristics
RF Isbell and GP Gillman
pp. 81-88
EA9730102Chemical control of wild oats in wheat with di-allate and barban
TG Reeves, IS Smith and CL Tuohey
pp. 102-107
EA9730108Effect of tobacco crop disposal methods and soil fumigation on control of root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne javanica) in north-eastern Victoria
RG Paddick and JW Meagher
pp. 108-112