Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
Volume 14 Number 67 1974
EA9740146Effect of stocking rate and fertilizer on the performance of steers grazing Townsville stylo-based pasture in north Queensland
L Winks, FC Lamberth, KW Moir and PM Pepper
pp. 146-154
EA9740155 The effect of stocking rate on milk production from kikuyu grass pastures fertilized with nitrogen
RL Colman and AG Kaiser
pp. 155-160
EA9740182Effect of time of sowing on flowering and growth of Townsville stylo (Stylosanthes humilis)
Mannetje L t and KHLvan Bennekom
pp. 182-185
EA9740186Performance of Southern African Digitaria spp. in southern Queensland
RW Strickland
pp. 186-196
EA9740201A study on pollination of sunflowers (Hilianthus annuus)
DF Langridge and RD Goodman
pp. 201-204
EA9740205 Effects of temperature and photoperiod on flowering and yield components of lupin genotypes in the field
MS Rahman and JS Gladstones
pp. 205-213
EA9740214Differences among Lupinus species in field response to superphosphate
MS Rahman and JS Gladstones
pp. 214-223
EA9740224Effects of pasture and cereal sowing rates on production of undersown barrel medic and wheat covercrop in western New South Wales
H Brownlee and BJ Scott
pp. 224-230
EA9740231Response of oats to seeding rate and nitrogen in the southern wheat belt of New South Wales
OR Southwood, F Mengersen and PJ Milham
pp. 231-236
EA9740241Nitrogen needs of wheat. 1. Grain yield in relation to soil nitrogen and other factors
AC Taylor, RR Storrier and AR Gilmour
pp. 241-248
EA9740249Response of wheat to applied superphosphate; the relationship between yield increase and 'available' phosphate in the soil
AN Smith and TB Spence
pp. 249-255
EA9740256Effects of gibberellic acid on fruit, 'hen and chicken' condition, and vine development in the following season of Waltham Cross grapes
MC Stannard, JR Peterson and RS Sproule
pp. 256-261
EA9740262Effects of long term use of several herbicides on apple trees
JE Campbell and AD Mears
pp. 262-265
EA9740266 Reduction of brown heart in pears by absorption of ethylene from the storage atmosphere
KJ Scott and RBH Wills
pp. 266-268
EA9740269Soil management of irrigated young peach trees in the Goulburn Valley, Victoria
B Cockroft and JM Tisdall
pp. 269-272