Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
Volume 16 Number 79 1976
EA9760156Early weaning of grazing sheep. 2. Performance of ewes
JL Corbett and EP Furnival
pp. 156-166
EA9760167 Whole wheat grain feeding of pregnant and lactating ewes and their lambs. 2. Lamb productivity from whole wheat diets with varying levels of sodium chloride and elemental sulphur supplements
DG Saville, PJ Nicholls and WR McManus
pp. 167-173
EA9760197The value to Merino ewes and lambs of continued superphosphate topdressing on a subterranean clover pasture ley
OR Southwood, DG Saville and AR Gilmour
pp. 197-203
EA9760209Effect of superphosphate, white clover and stocking rate on the productivity of natural pastures, Northern Tablelands, New South Wales
GG Robinson and A Lazenby
pp. 209-217
EA9760218Seed production of Stylosanthes guyanensis. 1. Growth and development
DS Loch, JM Hopkinson and BH English
pp. 218-225
EA9760226Seed production of Stylosanthes guyanensis. 2. The consequences of defoliation
DS Loch, JM Hopkinson and BH English
pp. 226-230
EA9760231Seed production of Stylosanthes guyanensis. 3. Effects of pre-harvest desiccation
DS Loch, JM Hopkinson and BH English
pp. 231-233
EA9760234White clover responses to phosphorus and sulphur on granitic soils
ICR Holford and AC Gleeson
pp. 234-239
EA9760240 Effect of sod-seeding oats or barley, renovation, herbicide and broadcast nitrogen fertilizer on forage production of dryland lucerne
RA Spurway and AC Gleeson
pp. 240-248
EA9760249 Pasture seed theft by ants in northern New South Wales
GG Johns and LR Greenup
pp. 249-256
EA9760257Predictions of likely theft by ants of oversown seed for the Northern Tablelands of New South Wales
GG Johns and LR Greenup
pp. 257-264
EA9760265The effect of planting date on the yield and some fibre properties of cotton in the Namoi Valley
GA Constable, NV Harris and RE Paull
pp. 265-271
EA9760272Photosynthesis and transpiration in the heads of droughted grain sorghum
D Pasternak and GL Wilson
pp. 272-275
EA9760276Effect of benomyl on 'blackleg' disease of rape in Western Australia
AGP Brown, MJ Barbetti and PM Wood
pp. 276-279
EA9760286Increasing the crotch angle of young apple trees by using growth hormones or plastic discs
SD Filipovich
pp. 286-288