Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
Volume 16 Number 78 1976
EA9760013Effect of time of joining and rate of stocking on the production of Corriedale ewes in southern Victoria. 5. Ovulation rate and embryonic survival
IF Davis, PA Kenney and IA Cumming
pp. 13-18
EA9760019Effects of sex and some environmental factors on weaning weight in sheep
KP Ransom and PD Mullaney
pp. 19-23
EA9760024 A comparison of the effects on reproductive performance in sheep, of two methods of estimation of ovulation rate
CM Oldham, TW Knight and DR Lindsay
pp. 24-27
EA9760028Whole wheat grain feeding of Merino ewes. 1. Influence of level of wheat and vitamin A on water consumption, mortality and ewe liveweight
JA Reynolds, WR McManus and EM Roberts
pp. 28-37
EA9760038Whole wheat grain feeding of Merino ewes. 2. Influence of wheat and vitamin A on reproductive performance
WR McManus, JA Reynolds and EM Roberts
pp. 38-48
EA9760049Whole wheat grain feeding of Merino ewes. 3. Influence of level of wheat and vitamin A on wool growth in pregnancy and lactation
WR McManus and JA Reynolds
pp. 49-56
EA9760057Whole wheat grain feeding of Merino ewes. 4. Changes in hepatic vitamin A concentration
JA Reynolds, WR McManus and JA Robertson
pp. 57-63
EA9760064Some relationships between wool production, nitrogen intake and digestible organic matter intake
GE Robards, DE Tribe and R Thomas
pp. 64-70
EA9760082Residues of famphur in bovine tissues and milk following its application as a pour-on insecticide
AM Annand, JHP Dingle, AB Heath and WA Palmer
pp. 82-87
EA9760088Production and utilization of oats as forage for cattle in the Ord River Valley, Western Australia
CG Blunt and MJ Fisher
pp. 88-93
EA9760099A comparison of biosuper and superphosphate on a sandy soil in the monsoonal tropics of north Queensland
RK Jones and JBF Field
pp. 99-102
EA9760114Effect of waterlogging on the growth, grain and straw yield of wheat, barley and oats
ER Watson, P Lapins and RJW Barron
pp. 114-122
EA9760123Silicon uptake by wheat and its relation to grain yield and water use
JE Schultz and RJ French
pp. 123-128
EA9760135Insecticides for control of light brown apple moth and codling moth in Australia
MJ MacQuillan
pp. 135-139