Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
Volume 17 Number 87 1977
EA9770538Effect of molasses supplementation and copper, cobalt and anthelmintic therapy on weight gain of beef yearling steers grazing improved pastures in a wet tropical environment
DB Copeman, FP Sumbung, P Poothongtong, S Haq and JR Armstrong
pp. 538-544
EA9770545 Studies in the supplementation of grazing Friesian steers in the central coast area of New South Wales
Davies H Lloyd and BG Lemcke
pp. 545-549
EA9770550Comparative performance of cattle and buffalo on the Sepik Plains, Papua New Guinea
JH Schottler, A Boromana and WT Williams
pp. 550-554
EA9770555 The use of a medicated molasses block to control bloat
CA Graham, C Pern and KL Linehan
pp. 555-565
EA9770562Individual daily consumption of a medicated bloat block
CA Graham, C Pern and KL Linehan
pp. 562-565
EA9770566Stocking rate, joining time, fodder conservation and the productivity of Merino ewes. 1. Liveweights, joining and lambs born
JK Egan, RL Thompson and JS McIntyre
pp. 566-573
EA9770574The relative protein and energy requirements of boars, gilts and barrows
M Taverner, RG Campbell and RH King
pp. 574-580
EA9770581Controlled feeding of the layer. 1. Restriction of the lysine and total feed intake of the pullet in the starter, grower and developer phases
JK Connor, DE Fuelling and KM Barram
pp. 581-587
EA9770588Controlled feeding of the layer. 2. Restriction in time of access to feed of the replacement pullet and laying hen
JK Connor, KM Barram and DE Fuelling
pp. 588-597
EA9770607Nutrient requirements of Stylosanthes guianensis pastures on a euchrozem in north Queensland
CP Miller and RK Jones
pp. 607-613
EA9770621Urea application and time of harvest effects on seed production of Setaria anceps cv. Narok
LM Bahnisch and LR Humphreys
pp. 621-628
EA9770629Effects of initial and maintenance phosphorus levels on the establishment of four legumes oversown into Setaria anceps swards
S Tudsri and PC Whiteman
pp. 629-636
EA9770637Phenological development studies with Lupinus angustifolius and L. albus in Victoria
TG Reeves, KA Boundy and HD Brooke
pp. 637-644
EA9770652Disease resistant flue-cured tobacco breeding lines for north Queensland I. Resistance to blue mould, Peronospora tabacina
FEM Gillham, DC Wark and EKS Harrigan
pp. 652-658
EA9770669The residual effect of molybdenum fertilizer on a krasnozem on basalt at Maleny, south-east Queensland
PC Kerridge and RE White
pp. 669-673
EA9770674Detection of cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus in Queensland
GM Behncken and L Maleevsky
pp. 674-678
EA9770679Revegetation of alumina refinery wastes. 1. Properties and amelioration of the materials
JR Meecham and LC Bell
pp. 679-688
EA9770689Revegetation of alumina refinery wastes. 2. Glasshouse experiments
JR Meecham and LC Bell
pp. 689-695
EA9770697A study on pollination of dessert peaches cv. Crawford
DF Langridge, PT Jenkins and RD Goodman
pp. 697-699