Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture
Volume 33 Number 5 1993
EA9930531The performance of Brahman-Shorthorn and Sahiwal-Shorthorn cattle in the dry tropics of northern Queensland. 4. Postweaning growth and carcass traits
G Fordyce, ID Loxton, RG Holroyd and RJ Mayer
pp. 531-539
EA9930551Beef production from Hereford and Angus multiply Hereford steers grazed separately at two stocking rates
JHL Morgan, PR Bird, MJ Watson, AJ Clark and KN Cumming
pp. 551-555
EA9930557The timing of birth in grazing Merino sheep
G Alexander, D Stevens, P Baker and LR Bradley
pp. 557-560
EA9930561Herbage and animal production from native pastures and pastures oversown with Stylosanthes hamata. 1. Fertiliser and stocking rate effects
CJ Gardener, MR McCaskill and JG McIvor
pp. 561-570
EA9930571Herbage and animal production from native pastures and pastures oversown with Stylosanthes hamata. 2. Modelling studies
MR McCaskill and JG McIvor
pp. 571-579
EA9930581Comparison of the performance of subterranean clover cultivars in southern New South Wales. 1. Persistence, productivity, and seed yields
BS Dear, PD Cregan and GM Murray
pp. 581-590
EA9930591Comparison of the performance of subterranean clover cultivars in southern New South Wales. 2. Effects of Phytophthora clandestina and bromoxynil on seedling survival, growth, and seed set
BS Dear, GM Murray, PD Cregan and PA Taylor
pp. 591-596
EA9930597Measuring the response of pasture to superphosphate using aircraft and satellite remote sensing
RND Reid, PJ Vickery, DA Hedges and PM Williams
pp. 597-600
EA9930609Response of wheat, triticale, barley, and canola to lime on four soil types in north-eastern Victoria
WJ Slattery and DR Coventry
pp. 609-618
EA9930619Genotype multiply environment interactions in progeny from a barley cross. 1. Patterns of response among progeny lines for grain yield and time to anthesis
PA Jackson, DE Byth, RP Johnston and KS Fischer
pp. 619-627
EA9930629The impact of genotype multiply environment interactions for sugar yield on the use of indirect selection in southern Queensland
PDN Mirzawan, M Cooper and DM Hogarth
pp. 629-638
EA9930639 Early detection of dwarf off-types from micropropagated Cavendish bananas
MK Smith and SD Hamill
pp. 639-644
EA9930645Phytotoxicity of several pre-emergence and post-emergence herbicides to green beans (Phaseolus vulgaris)
CWL Henderson and MJ Webber
pp. 645-652
EA9930653 A grower survey of diseases, invertebrate pests, and pesticide use on potatoes grown in South Australia
HR Dillard, TJ Wicks and B Philp
pp. 653-661
EA9930663 Postharvest handling of cut immature Eucalyptus foliage
RB Jones, JK Truett and M Hill
pp. 663-667
EA9930674Digitaria milanjiana (Rendle) Stapf. (finger grass) cv. Jarra
TJ Hall, GD Walduck and RW Walker
pp. 674-675