Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture
Volume 36 Number 6 1996
EA9960637 Ewe colostrum and subsequent lamb suckling behaviour
PJ Holst, DG Hall and CJ Allan
pp. 637-640
EA9960641 Grazing a saltbush (Atriplex-Maireana) stand by Merino wethers to fill the autumn feed-gap experienced in the Western Australian wheat belt
PW Morcombe, GE Young and KA Boase
pp. 641-647
EA9960649 Sublethal exposure to corynetoxins affects production of grazing sheep
SC Davies, CL White, IH Williams, JG Allen and KP Croker
pp. 649-655
EA9960661Use of glyphosate to prevent development of reproductive tillers and extend vegetative growth of bent grass (Agrostis castellana)
RD Hill, DJ Missen and RJ Taylor
pp. 661-664
EA9960665 Sustaining productivity of a Vertisol at Warra, Queensland, with fertilisers, no-tillage or legumes. 2. Long-term fertiliser nitrogen needs to enhance wheat yields and grain protein
WM Strong, RC Dalal, EJ Weston, JE Cooper, KJ Lehane, AJ King and CJ Chicken
pp. 665-674
EA9960675 Sustaining productivity of a Vertisol at Warra, Queensland, with fertilisers, no-tillage or legumes. 3. Effects of nitrate accumulated in fertilised soil on crop response and profitability
WM Strong, RC Dalal, MJ Cahill, EJ Weston, JE Cooper, KJ Lehane, AJ King and CJ Chicken
pp. 675-682
EA9960683Effect of sowing point design and tillage practice on the incidence of Rhizoctonia root rot, take-all and cereal cyst nematode in wheat and barley
DK Roget, SM Neate and AD Rovira
pp. 683-693
EA9960695Sowing time and tillage practice affect chickpea yield and nitrogen fixation. 1. Dry matter accumulation and grain yield
CP Horn, CJ Birch, RC Dalal and JA Doughton
pp. 695-700
EA9960701Sowing time and tillage practice affect chickpea yield and nitrogen fixation. 2. Nitrogen accumulation, nitrogen fixation and soil nitrogen balance
CP Horn, RC Dalal, CJ Birch and JA Doughton
pp. 701-706
EA9960707 Effectiveness of different methods of applying superphosphate for lupins grown on sandplain soils
MDA Bolland and RJ Jarvis
pp. 707-715
EA9960717 Degree-day models in New South Wales: climatic variation in the accuracy of different algorithms and geographical bias correction procedures
DM Watson and GAC Beattie
pp. 717-729
EA9960739Effect of hot air disinfestation treatment in combination with simulated air freight conditions on quality of 'Kensington' mango (Mangifera indica Linn.
KK Jacobi, LS Wong and JE Giles
pp. 739-745
EA9960747Effect of daylength and temperature on flowering of the cut flower species Banksia coccinea and Banksia hookeriana
MA Rieger and M Sedgley
pp. 747-753
EA9960755A micropropagation protocol for Melaleuca alternifolia (tea tree)
SE List, PH Brown, CS Low and KB Walsh
pp. 755-760