A review of extended lactation in dairy cows managed in high-input and pasture-based farming systems
Kerst Stelwagen
Traditionally the lactation cycle of a dairy cow is based around a 12-month calving interval, allowing for 10 months of lactation, followed by a 2-month dry period. This means that the cow has to conceive within 2–3 months after calving, when she is also at peak lactation and metabolically is in a negative energy balance. Such challenging physiological conditions make it challenging for the cow to conceive at this time and many modern high-producing cows fail to get pregnant within the constraints of a 12-month calving interval. In addition, many cows still produce at a high level at drying-off time, increasing the risk of intramammary infections. Therefore, delaying conception past peak production and, as a result, extending the lactation beyond 10 months may increasingly be necessary. Additionally, extended lactation (EL) may offer other advantages such as fewer calves being born and thus fewer ‘surplus’ calves needing to be culled at a young age, fewer health and welfare issues and improved environmental outcomes (i.e. less greenhouse-gas emission; less antibiotic usage) during the lifetime of the animal. Extending lactation is a straight forward management practice in high-input dairy systems where a consistent supply of feed supplements is readily available, but may be more challenging to implement in low(er)-input pasture-based systems. The latter are much more seasonal, with a 12-month calving interval allowing pasture growth and quality to match the cow’s nutritional demands; cows calve in spring when high-quality pasture is abundant and are dried-off during winter when pasture growth is more limited. In this review, we explored the impact of EL in both high-input systems and pasture-based systems. It covers the effects of EL on milk production, composition and processing, as well as on reproductive performance, health and welfare, and environmental and economic outcomes.
Keywords: dairy cow, economics, environmental impact, extended lactation, health and welfare, milk composition, milk production, nutrition, pasture, reproduction.
As a result of ongoing genetic selection, improved nutrition and feeding practices, and overall management, the milk yield and lactation length of the modern dairy cow are well in excess of those necessary to raise its calf. Milk production is ultimately a function of the number of milk-producing cells in the mammary gland and the extent of their synthetic capacity. Their synthetic capacity is the main determinant of milk yield up to peak lactation, whereas the number of secretory cells is the major determinant during the post-peak declining phase of lactation (Capuco and Ellis 2005). The gradual post-peak decline of milk yield typically coincides with the cow being pregnant at this time and ceases when milking is stopped for the final 2 months of gestation, i.e. the dry period. The mammogenic and lactogenic stimuli as a result of pregnancy are critical to prevent complete involution of the secretory cells in the mammary gland and allow for replacement of damaged or quiescent secretory cells during the dry period, to ensure that, upon parturition, the lactation cycle can start over again (Capuco and Akers 1999; Capuco and Ellis 2005).
This is why conventional dairy-farming practices are based on a 12-month calving interval, allowing for 305 days of lactation, followed by a dry period of 60 days. However, this does require the cow to become pregnant again within approximately 2.5–3 months following parturition, which means that she needs to conceive at the same time when she also produces the most milk (i.e. during peak production) and is metabolically in a negative energy balance. These physiological states, conception and high milk production, compete for a limited pool of metabolites and, given that milk production, in a biological sense, ensures the immediate survival of its offspring and, therefore the species, it will take priority over the ability to conceive at that time. Indeed, selection for higher milk production negatively affects fertility (Pryce et al. 2004; Walsh et al. 2011). The implication of delayed conception and pregnancy in high-producing dairy cows is that it may no longer be practical to adhere to a strict 12-month calving interval.
Another challenge of managing high-producing dairy cows within a 12-month calving interval is that they can still have a high daily milk production (i.e. >25 kg/day) at the time of drying off, which may slow the required immunological changes at this time (Silanikove et al. 2013). Such immune changes are necessary to prevent mammary infections during this critical and high-risk period in the lactation cycle, when the mammary gland is very susceptible to existing subclinical infections becoming clinical or to developing new infections (Silanikove et al. 2013; Vilar and Rajala-Schultz 2020).
Voluntarily extending the calving interval beyond the conventional 12 months not only results in an extended lactation (EL), it allows cows to conceive and become pregnant later during lactation, once they have returned to a state of positive energy balance. It also allows them to be dried-off when their daily milk yield is at a much lower level, thereby reducing possible mammary health issues at that time. Additionally, there are other benefits of an extended calving interval (and EL), such as fewer ‘surplus’ calves and fewer health-risk periods over the lifetime of the cow (van Knegsel et al. 2022). Surplus calves are mostly male calves or those not required as herd replacements. Such calves are sometimes euthanised shortly after birth or more commonly culled after several days and used for veal production (Creutzinger et al. 2021). The issue of surplus calves as well as the related farm practice of separating mother and calf immediately after birth, not only raise animal welfare concerns but increasingly adversely influence public perception of dairy farming (Ritter et al. 2022; Sirovica et al. 2022).
As discussed, at the time of drying off, cows are at an increased risk of mammary infections, which may also carry over into the new subsequent lactation (Cameron et al. 2014; Vilar and Rajala-Schultz 2020). The periparturient period or transition period is another major health-risk period for the cow. This is a time when the immune competency of the cow is compromised and during this time and the ensuing period of negative energy balance, she is more prone to metabolic disorders, uterine diseases, mastitis and lameness (Mezzetti et al. 2021).
Since the 1990s, a number of controlled studies have been conducted with high-yielding dairy cows under intensive farming conditions to explore the concept of EL, considering lactation performance, reproduction and health implications (Bertilsson et al. 1997; van Amburgh et al. 1997; Ratnayake et al. 1998; Österman and Bertilsson 2003; Sorensen et al. 2008; Delany et al. 2010; Mellado et al. 2016; Niozas et al. 2019a, 2019b; Edvardsson Rasmussen et al. 2023a, 2023b). More recently, comprehensive EL research programs have been conducted in Denmark (Sehested et al. 2019) and The Netherlands (van Knegsel et al. 2022), not only considering the effects of EL on animal factors, but also considering environmental (e.g. greenhouse-gas emission), milk-quality and processing, and economic implications.
Although high milk yields prior to drying off within a 12-month calving interval are less of an issue in low(er)-input pasture-based dairy management systems, there has been an increasing interest in the concept of EL for these systems (Auldist et al. 2007; Kolver et al. 2007; Grainger et al. 2009; Butler et al. 2010; Marett et al. 2011). However, such a farming system, based around seasonal calving to optimise pasture utilisation, offers unique challenges for implementing an EL strategy in terms of feeding strategies and maintaining ongoing lactation.
Therefore, in this review, we will explore the impact of EL as a management tool on milk production, composition and processing characteristics, as well as on reproductive performance, animal health and welfare, and environmental and economic consequences under both intensive, high-input systems, and seasonal pasture-based farm management systems.
Extended calving interval versus extended lactation
For the purpose of the current review, the term extended calving interval is defined as any calving interval greater than 12 months. It is assumed that extending the calving interval does not extend the normal 60-day dry period at the end of lactation. Therefore, the term extended calving interval is assumed to be equal to the more accurate term ‘extended lactation’, which will be used in this review.
Effect of extended lactation on milk yield and composition
Milk yield
The typical lactation curve of a dairy cow shows a rapid increase in daily milk yield after parturition, until peak lactation is reached ~6–10 weeks into lactation. Subsequently, following peak lactation, the daily yield gradually decreases till cessation of lactation. This means that when lactation is extended it is this declining phase of the lactation that is extended. Therefore, it is important that milk production is maintained during the EL period and lactation persistency throughout EL will be an important trait to consider for cows subjected to EL.
Further, because during EL there are a greater number of days in milk (DIM), total lactation milk yield is nearly always higher in cows with an EL than in those with a traditional 305-day or 10-month lactation length. Therefore, expressing milk yield on a ‘per-DIM’ basis allows for a more meaningful comparison. An even better parameter to compare milk yield would be on an energy-corrected milk (ECM) per annual feeding-day basis. Because not only does it take differences in milk composition into account, it also accounts for the fact that there are fewer non-productive days with EL, i.e. fewer dry periods. Unfortunately, milk composition (i.e. fat, protein and lactose) and/or dry-period length are not reported for most EL studies published.
Controlled EL studies, where one or more experimental groups of cows with EL were compared with a control group with a lactation length close to 10 months are shown in Table 1. All studies conducted under high-input conditions with high-producing dairy cows, often fed a total mixed ration (TMR), indicated that there is very little to no adverse effect of EL on average daily milk yield compared with control lactation lengths (van Amburgh et al. 1997; Rehn et al. 2000; Arbel et al. 2001; Österman and Bertilsson 2003; Lehmann et al. 2016, Niozas et al. 2019a; Burgers et al. 2021a). In fact, Edvardsson Rasmussen et al. (2023b) found a higher daily yield in second-lactation, but not first-lactation, cows on EL across 16 commercial herds. Consistent with these notions is the observation that EL may be a good alternative to culling very high-producing cows that fail to get pregnant in a timely manner, because such cows maintained a high and persistent level of production during EL (>900 DIM; Mellado et al. 2016).
Study and country | Farming system | Breed | Extended lactation (months) | Comparisons (number of cows) | Measurement | Results/conclusions | Comments | |
van Amburgh et al. (1997) US | High-input/TMR | Holstein | 14.5* | 11.2 (n = 24) vs 14.5 months* (n = 24) | MY, milk composition, lactation persistency | EL did not affect MY EL did not affect milk composition | Data from nine commercial herds All cows received bovine somatotropin injections | |
Rehn et al. (2000) SW | High-input/TMR | Swedish Red and White and Holstein | 13* | 10 vs 13 months* Swedish Red and White (n = 105) vs Holstein (n = 46) P vs M | ECM, milk composition | EL little effect on ECM/DIM P more persistent than M Little effect on milk composition | Short period of EL | |
Arbel et al. (2001) Israel | High-input/TMR | Holstein | 14 | 12 (n = 348) vs 14 months (n = 402) P vs M | MY | M: no difference in MY/DIM P: highest MY/DIM in EL | Very short period of EL | |
Österman and Bertilsson (2003) and Österman et al. (2005) SW | High-input/TMR | Swedish Red and White | 16* | 12 months (n = 36) vs 16 months (n = 36) Also included 2× vs 3× daily milking | ECM, milk composition | EL did not affect ECM/DIM 3× improved ECM in EL group only | Experiment covered 3 years, i.e. two EL lactations and three control-group lactations | |
Lehmann et al. (2016) DK | High-input/TMR | Holstein, Jersey, Red Danish and crosses | ≤22* | ≤11 11–13 months 13–15 months 15–17 months ≥17 months | MY (ECM), P vs M, lactation persistency | All cows similar ECM/feeding day, regardless of EL ECM/day during last 45 DIM higher in P than M, suggesting increased persistency EL increased dry-period length by 3–5 days | Data from four commercial herds with EL Cows classified into five EL groups | |
Niozas et al. (2019a) GER | High-input/TMR | Holstein | ≤15* | ∼10 months (n = 135) ∼13 months (n = 141) ∼15 months (n = 139) | MY, ECM, BW, BCS | MY/DIM, ECM/DIM did not differ between groups during first 305 DIM EL cows had greater lactation persistency P had greater lactation persistency than M | Data from a commercial herd Cows classified into three EL groups | |
Burgers et al. (2021b) NL | High-input/TMR | Holstein | ≤15 | 11.2 vs 13.5 months vs 15.1 months (n = 51/group) P vs M | MY, milk composition, lactation persistency | MY/DIM higher in M, but no effect of EL in M or P P had higher lactation persistency. EL did not affect BW or BCS | ||
Ma et al. (2022a) NL | High-input/TMR | Holstein | ≤15.8 (see Ma et al. 2022b) | 11.9 months (n = 50), VWP 50 days 14.6 months (n = 49), VWP 125 days 15.8 months (n = 47), VWP 200 days | Daily MY and ECM −2 to +2 weeks around end of VWP | MY 37.4, 32.0 and 29.2 kg/day | ||
Edvardsson Rasmussen et al. (2023b) SW | High-input/TMR | Holstein, Red dairy cows | 13 | 10.2 months (n = 252), VWP 25–95 days 13 months (n = 281), VWP 145–215 days | MY, ECM | Total MY and ECM significantly higher with EL in first and second lactation Daily MY and ECM no different in first lactation and higher in second lactation with EL | P cows followed for two lactations Data from 16 commercial herds | |
Auldist et al. (2007) AU | Pasture-based | Holstein | ≤22 | 10 vs 13 vs 16 vs 19 vs 22 months (n = 25/group) | MY and MS | MY/DIM declining slightly with increasing EL Negative correlation between EL and annualised MY Milk protein concentration increased with EL | Supplemented with grain/silage to maintain ≥180 MJ/cow/day Cows dried-off if MY <30 kg/week, or when 56 days before exp. calving | |
Rius et al. (2011) NZ | Pasture-based | Holstein | 15.6 | 2× (n = 60) vs 3× daily (n = 60) milking during EL | MY, composition, BW, BCS | 3× daily milking increased MY, protein % and fat % No effect on BW and BCS No carry-over effect during remainder of EL | Experiment conducted between 328 and 396 DIM Factorial design: 2× vs 3× daily milking and 0 vs 6 kg DM/day per cow of concentrates Here only milking frequency results reported (no interaction with concentrate feeding) | |
Jarman et al. (2020) NZ | Pasture-based | NZ cows (breed not specified) | ∼16 | 10 months vs 16 months (n = 301/farmlet) | MS per farmlet | Total MS similar between farmlets More supplement required for EL Resulted in higher BW and BCS for EL | Farmlet-type study |
If only the calving interval was reported, a 2-month dry-period (*) was assumed; if reported, then the actual dry-period length was used.
AU, Australia; DK, Denmark; IR, Israel; GER, Germany; NL, The Netherlands; NZ, New Zealand, SW, Sweden; US, United States of America.
BCS, body condition score; BW, bodyweight; DIM, days in milk; ECM, energy-corrected milk; EL, extended lactation; M, multiparous cows; MS, milk solids (fat + protein yield); MY, milk yield; P, primiparous cows; TMR, total mixed ration; 2× or 3×, twice or thrice daily milking frequency; VWP, voluntary waiting period (for first insemination).
Few controlled studies have been conducted under low(er)-input pasture-based conditions. Auldist et al. (2007) investigated the effect of EL on milk production in five groups of cows managed on pasture and supplemented with silage and grain to maintain a daily metabolisable-energy (ME) intake of at least 180 MJ per cow. The control-group cows had a lactation length of 10 months and EL groups had lengths of 13, 16, 19 or 22 months. Whereas total lactation milk yield increased with an increasing EL, average daily milk yield per DIM decreased with an increasing EL compared with the control lactation length (21.5, 20.1, 19.4, 18.4, 18.0 kg/day respectively). Although the annualised milk yield did not statistically significantly decrease from 16-month EL onward, there was a negative correlation between annualised milk yield and EL. It was noted that the decline in milk solids (MS; i.e. the sum of the milk protein and fat yields) was less than that of the milk yield, owing to milk becoming more concentrated as lactation progressed. These results differ from those in the high-input studies (Table 1) where there appears to be little to no effect of EL on average daily milk yield. This may be related to feeding level and/or genetics, which will be discussed later.
In a New Zealand study, production of cows milked for 10 months was compared with that of cows milked for 16 months (i.e. an 18-month calving interval) in a farmlet-type trial (Jarman et al. 2020; Table 1). Although total farmlet production was similar for the 10-month farmlet (based on 2.5 lactations) and the 16-month farmlet (based on two lactations), cow dry-matter intake (DMI) and the amount of supplementary feed required to maintain lactation was higher for the 16-month farmlet. Cows in the 16-month farmlet also gained more liveweight (LW) and had a higher body condition score (BCS) going into their second EL. Lactation was maintained longer in the cows with EL.
Lactation persistency, parity and milking frequency
In a number of studies, the effect of parity (i.e. primiparous versus multiparous cows) on milk yield during EL was investigated (Rehn et al. 2000; Arbel et al. 2001; Lehmann et al. 2016; Niozas et al. 2019a; Jarman et al. 2020; Burgers et al. 2021b). Although peak lactation yield may be lower in primiparous cows, they overwhelmingly exhibited greater lactation persistency during the EL period and therefore maintained lactation better than did multiparous cows during EL. Although this highlights the importance of lactational persistency for a successful EL, for primiparous cows specifically it may be advisable to aim for conventional 12-month calving interval and subject them to an EL the following lactation, when their overall production level will have increased, unless they have difficulty getting pregnant again in a timely manner.
Österman and Bertilsson (2003) and Österman et al. (2005) looked at the effect of twice- and thrice-daily milking during an EL and showed that there may be a beneficial effect of more frequent milking on maintaining milk production during an EL. A similar effect was noticed in cows in which half of the udder was milked twice-daily and the opposite half milked thrice-daily starting at Week 9 of lactation and the effect persisted during EL (Sorensen et al. 2008). Consistent with these results, Rius et al. (2011) showed that thrice- compared with twice-daily milking of cows during late lactation (328–396 DIM) in a pasture-based system significantly increased milk yield, but this effect was not carried-over into the remainder of EL (397–475 DIM).
This milking-frequency effect is not surprising because increasing milking frequency generally leads to an increase in milk yield, initially owing to an increase in secretory cell activity and subsequently to an increase in mammary cell number (Stelwagen 2001). The lack of a significant carry-over effect (Rius et al. 2011) may be because the period of frequent milking (68 days) was not long enough to result in an increase in the number of mammary cells.
Milk composition
Milk is a complex biological fluid consisting of fat, proteins, lactose, vitamins, minerals and many minor components such as enzymes, peptides and phospholipids. The concentrations of fat, casein and whey protein increase as lactation progresses (Auldist et al. 1998; O’Callaghan et al. 2016). In particular, during the latter part of lactation, when the tight junctions between adjacent mammary epithelial cells gradually become more ‘leaky’, there is an increase in serum proteins, including proteolytic enzymes, and minerals entering the milk from the blood (Nicholas et al. 2002; Stelwagen and Singh 2014) and the size of the milk fat globules decreases as lactation progresses (Fleming et al. 2017).
Such changes in milk composition are likely to be more prominent during periods of EL, where the period of declining lactation is prolonged. Indeed, concentrations of milk fat and protein were increased in cows with an EL compared with cows milked for 10–11 months (Österman and Bertilsson 2003; Auldist et al. 2007; Jarman et al. 2020). However, no changes were observed by Rehn et al. (2000) and Burgers et al. (2021a). It is likely that the milk yield in these studies was still too high to observe the normal late-lactation changes. Consistent with this notion is that fat and protein concentrations were increased in EL cows, but not in EL cows that were also milked thrice- instead of twice-daily (Österman and Bertilsson 2003; Sorensen et al. 2008).
In pasture-based studies the effects on milk composition appear to be more pronounced (Auldist et al. 2007; Jarman et al. 2020). Overall milk production levels are lower than those for cows managed under intensive TMR-based conditions. Moreover, Auldist et al. (2007) showed that compared with a 10-month lactation length, EL increases milk casein, but decreases the casein number (i.e. casein as a percentage of total milk protein). Sorensen et al. (2008) also noticed a reduction in casein number as lactation progressed, and a continuing reduction during EL.
The most detailed milk compositional analyses in relation to EL were conducted as part of the genetic and diet comparison study by Kolver et al. (2007) (see next section). S.-A. Turner, J. K. Kay, C. V. V. Phyn and E. S. Kolver (unpubl. data) used data from this study to investigate changes in milk composition between 330 and 670 days of EL. In addition to gross milk composition, they looked at the contents in milk of casein and whey proteins (α-lactalbumin, β-lactoglobulin, serum albumin, immunoglobulin-G, lactoferrin), milk fatty acid profiles, growth factors (insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), transforming growth factors β1 and β2), sodium, potassium, citrate, urea and lactoperoxidase activity. Overall, small temporal changes in composition related to genotype and diet were observed. However, the main changes appeared to be related to the level of milk production during the extended part of the lactation, with milk production being highest in the Holstein-Friesian (HF), compared with that in the New Zealand Friesian (NZF), and declining in both groups from 517 DIM.
Collectively, the data indicate that the changes in milk composition during EL are similar to those observed during normal late lactation and depend on the extent of the decline in milk production.
Breed and genetic selection
The effect of cow breed or genotype on the production response during EL was investigated in two studies. Rehn et al. (2000) compared production responses in Swedish Red and White cows with those in Swedish Holstein during a standard 10-month lactation and one extended to 13 months. The higher-producing Swedish Holstein cows maintained milk yield better during the EL than did the Swedish Red and White cows, in particular those cows that had the highest peak-lactation yield.
A more comprehensive genetics comparison study was conducted by Kolver et al. (2007). In this study, a total of 29 NZF cows were compared with a total of 27 HF cows in a pasture-based system and managed to have a 24-month calving interval; all cows achieved, on average, a lactation length of 605 DIM (∼20 months). In addition to their pasture diet, cows were either supplemented with 0 (i.e. pasture-only diet), 3 or 6 kg/day DM from concentrates, giving a total of six treatment groups (NZF0, NZF3, NZF6, HF0, HF3, HF6). During the entire EL, total milk yield was highest (i.e. by 35%) in HF and increased with an increasing level of concentrate feeding. For NZF cows, total yield was highest in the NZF3 group and increasing concentrate feeding did not increase milk yield further in the NZF6 group. There was a significant genotype by diet interaction. A similar pattern was observed for milk protein yield and fat yield per cow, and, as a consequence, for MS yield. Annualised MS production during EL in NZF cows was 79% of that produced during the first 300 DIM, whereas that for HF cows was 94%, indicating that the HF cows were better able to maintain MS during the extended part of the lactation (i.e. during >300 DIM). Collectively, the results indicated that both diet and genetics are major determinants of maintaining milk production during an EL and are consistent with the fact that, in studies with high-producing cows in high-input systems, there was little to no milk yield loss during EL (Table 1).
Such a genetic component in the production response during EL suggests that it may be possible to select cows that maintain production during an EL. Interestingly, Kadokawa and Martin (2006) showed examples of so-called Japanese ‘super cows’, that continue to be high-yielding during EL. One cow produced 18,693 kg milk during 612 DIM (first lactation) and 26,473 kg during 568 DIM (second lactation) and had just started her third lactation. Another cow produced more than 32,000 kg milk by 915 DIM in her fourth lactation. Although these are extreme examples, they do highlight that it is biologically possible for cows to continue to produce at a high level during EL.
Using data from the Kolver et al. (2007) study, Kay et al. (2007) correlated MS production during the EL period (i.e. >296 DIM) with plasma hormones and metabolites measured during the first 70 DIM within the same animals. Results indicated that plasma non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), glucose, insulin and IGF-I were positively correlated with MS yield during EL, suggesting that such factors may be able to be used to select cows suitable for EL; interestingly, the animals’ breeding worth (i.e. genetic index) was not correlated. Similarly, Lehmann et al. (2017), using data from four commercial herds with high-producing cows, found that milk yields in the previous lactation and those at the second and third monthly herd test correlated well with milk production during EL. Moreover, the genetic correlations for interval to first luteal activity and milk, fat and protein yields are positive and high (0.51, 0.65 and 0.48 respectively; Veerkamp et al. 2000).
Therefore, taken together, these data indicated that it may be feasible to select cows that are more suitable or tolerant to EL, in terms of maintaining milk production. Analysing test-day milk yield data over EL (i.e. 540–600 DIM), Haile-Mariam and Goddard (2008) concluded ‘progeny of bulls with high estimated breeding values for yield traits and those that produce at a relatively high level in the first few months are the most likely candidates for use in herds favouring extended lactations’ (p. 325). Further, in addition to the trait of high peak milk yield, the trait of lactation persistency may hold promise (Pryce et al. 2010).
Finally, although there are obvious benefits of EL, it has the potential to adversely affect genetic progress. Extending lactation inevitably extends the calving interval and leads to fewer male and female offspring being available over time for genetic selection. Clasen et al. (2019) referred to this as ‘genetic lag’ and looked at the use of sexed semen to overcome genetic lag with EL. Following modelling of different scenarios, they concluded that EL indeed increases genetic lag, but that the use of sexed semen may mitigate this.
Extended lactation and dairy cow nutrition
Milk production comes at a high metabolic cost to the cow and requires a high input of digestible nutrients. Indeed, nutrition is one of the key drivers of milk yield. In high-input/TMR dairy systems, nutrition is aimed at maintaining high milk yields, by feeding a similar diet year-round. In contrast, pasture-based systems aim to maximise DMI and milk yield from pasture and are therefore much more affected by changes in seasonal conditions. Cows usually calve in spring when high-quality pasture is readily available to meet their high metabolic demands and are commonly dried-off in early winter when pasture growth slows. Such a system lends itself well to a 12-month calving interval.
Thus, whereas managing nutrition of lactating cows during EL in a high-input system is relatively straight forward, when similar diets can continue to be fed without restrictions, in a pasture-based system nutrition and maintaining a consistent feed supply becomes more challenging. It requires limited pasture availability to be supplemented with conserved forages and/or concentrate (including grains) in winter to prevent milk production dropping below the level where drying off becomes inevitable. When cows with EL enter the second spring, often an increase in milk yield is observed, although not to the same extent as during early lactation (Kolver et al. 2007; Williams et al. 2013; Jarman et al. 2020). This effect is likely to be due to a photoperiodic effect of increasing daylength (Dahl et al. 2000) and the increased abundance of high-quality pasture during that time.
The difference between these TMR and pasture-based farming systems is also reflected in the available amount of research on the impact of nutrition during an EL. Only three published studies conducted under high-input conditions were found, whereas the impact of nutrition on milk production during EL in pasture-based systems has been much more thoroughly investigated (Table 2).
Study and country | Farming system | Breed | Extended lactation (months) | Comparisons (number of cows) | Measurement | Results/conclusions | Comments | |
Sorensen et al. (2008) UK | High-input/TMR | Holstein | 16–19 | Between SOL, within cow (n = 25) | MY, composition, BW, BCS | No effect of nutrition reported on lactation persistency at any stage Final BW and BCS not affected by nutrition. | One udder half milked 2× and one 3× daily | |
Sorensen and Knight (2002) UK | See Sorensen et al. (2008) | Endocrine profiles (growth hormone, IGF-I, insulin, prolactin) | No effect of nutrition on endocrine profiles throughout lactation, including EL | One udder half milked 2× and one 3× daily | ||||
Gaillard et al. (2016a, 2016c) DK | High-input/TMR | Holstein | 16 | High-density diet vs low-density diet during first 42 DIM (n = 31/group) | MY, milk composition, BW, BCS, plasma glucose, BHBA, NEFA, IGF-I, insulin | High diet reduced negative EB in early lactation Improved EB did not affect subsequent performance during EL Negative effect on lactation persistence >250 DIM | High-density 50% concentrate; low-density 40% concentrate After the first 42 DIM, all cows were fed the low-density diet | |
Burgers et al. (2023) NL | High-input/TMR | Holstein | ≤15.8* | 11.9 months (n = 53), VWP 50 days 14.6 months (n = 49), VWP 125 days 15.8 months (n = 51), VWP 200 days P vs M | Plasma glucose, NEFA, β-hydroxybutyrate, and metabolic hormones (insulin, IGF-I) | EL did not affect metabolic parameters in P EL increased BCS and neg. energy balance next lactation in M | ||
Kolver et al. (2007) NZ | Pasture-based | NZ vs US Holstein | 20–22* | Between SOL, within cow (n = 56) Also looked at: Breed Concentrate supplementation (0, 3, 6 kg/cow.day) | MY, composition, MS, BW, BCS | Supplementing pasture with increasing concentrate resulted in linear increase in BW, BCS, MY, MS, protein and fat yields NZ cows gained more BW and had higher BCS than US Holstein No effect on DMI Diet did not affect DIM MY, MS declined during EL, but increased briefly during the second spring | Genotype and diet comparison | |
Phyn et al. (2008) NZ | See Kolver et al. (2007) – same experiment | FCE | FCE across EL was 98% and 88% of that in normal 10-month lactation, for US Holstein and NZ cows respectively US cows more efficient converting feed into MS than NZ cows Agrees with higher BCS in NZ cows | |||||
Kay et al. (2009) NZ | See Kolver et al. (2007) – same experiment | Plasma glucose, urea, NEFA, calcium and metabolic hormones (insulin, IGF-I, leptin, growth hormone) | Metabolite and hormone responses were complex, but there appears to be a difference between NZ and US Holsteins, favouring high milk production and lower BCS gains in the latter | Genotype and diet comparison | ||||
Grainger et al. (2009) AU | Pasture-based and high-input/TMR | Holstein | 22 | Control 10 months EL control 22 months EL high 22 months EL TMR 22 months (n = 24/group) | MY, composition, MS, BW, BCS | MY, MS, fat and protein yield, BW and BCS highest in TMR Fewer cows in TMR group still lactating at 22 months High nutrition with pasture did not increase MY but did MS and BW and BCS compared with pasture diet | 10 months control: pasture + ≤6 kg/cow.day grain EL control: pasture + ≤6 kg/cow.day grain EL high: 50% pasture + 50% grain EL TMR: 100% TMR diet | |
Delany et al. (2010) AU | See Grainger et al. (2009) – same experiment | EL control 22 months EL high 22 months (n = 6/group) | Plasma glucose, metabolic hormones (IGF-I, glucagon, growth hormone, insulin, leptin) | Plasma glucose, metabolic hormones (IGF-I, glucagon, insulin, leptin) highest in TMR cows TMR diet may induce partitioning of excess nutrients to body gain, rather than milk production | Used cows from two of the experimetal groups in Grainger et al. (2009) | |||
Auldist et al. (2011) AU | Pasture-based | Holstein | 22 | Pasture + 0, 2.5 or 5 kg DM/day of grain n = 10/group | DMI, MY and composition, BW, FCE | During EL: DMI increased with high grain feeding Grain increased BW FCE increased with increasing grain (poorer pasture quality during EL) Marginal milk response similar during all SOL | Measurements made at 60, 240, 420 and 530 DIM during 4 week periods FCE = kg ECM/kg DMI | |
Rius et al. (2011) NZ | Pasture based | Holstein | 15.6 | Supplementation with 0 (n = 60) or 6 kg DM/day per cows (n = 60) during EL | My, composition, BW, BCS | Concentrate feeding increased MY, protein yield and decreased fat % Increased BW and BCS No carry-over effect during remainder of EL, except for BW and BCS | Experiment conducted between 328 and 396 DIM Factorial design: 2× vs 3× daily milking and 0 vs 6 kg DM/day per cow of concentrates Here only diet supplementation results reported (no interaction with milking frequency) | |
Marett et al. (2011) AU | Pasture-based | Holstein | 22 | Pasture, supplemented with silage and grain (n = 18) Same, but restricted feeding after 10 months (n = 19) | MY, composition, BW, BCS, plasma glucose, NEFA, insulin, IGF-1, leptin and growth hormone | Restricted feeding during EL: Decreased MY No change in BW, sligthly lower BCS Cows with increased ability to partition nutrient to milk, rather than BW, showed greatest lactation persistency | Restricted feeding in cows receiving 1.8 kg DM/day less grain (i.e. ≥157 MJ ME/cow.day Unrestricted: >176 MJ ME/cow.day | |
Marett et al. (2019) AU | See Marett et al. (2011) | Low MY (12.3 L/day) at 450 DIM (n = 6) High MY (18.9 L/day) at 450 DIM (n = 6) | Glucose-tolerance test Insulin-tolerance test Epinephrine challenge | High MY at 450 DIM cows remained higher at 580 DIM High MY cows: Lower insulin response Slower glucose clearance Greater epinephrine sensitivity => suggests increased lipid mobilisation => suggests better at partitioning nutrient to milk during EL | ||||
Williams et al. 2013 AU | Pature-based | Holstein | 22 | Pasture/silage only diet (n = 8) Pasture/silage + 5 kg grain (n = 8) | Energy balance in metabolism trial MY, composition, BW, DMI | In cows producing <24 kg/day on a pasture diet, the effciency of utilising grain energy for milk production is not changed by EL => indicates that feed energy efficiency not affected by EL, compared with that in normal 10-month lactation | ||
Marett et al. (2015) AU | Pasture-based | Holstein | 22 | Pasture/silage + 1 kg DM/day grain (n = 6) Pasture/silage + 6 kg DM/day grain (n = 6) | Glucose-tolerance test MY, MS, BW, plasma glucose, NEFA and insulin measured | During EL (i.e. >300 DIM), cows increasingly partition nutrients to BW, rather than milk Insulin sensitivity not affected by DMI, cows maintained degree of insulin resistance during EL High grain increased MY, MS, BW, plasma glucose | Estimated daily intake >180 MJ ME per cow | |
Marett et al. (2017) AU | See Marett et al. (2015) | Insulin-tolerance test MY, MS, BW, plasma glucose, NEFA and leptin measured | Peripheral tissue (mostly adipose) response to insulin changed throughout 22-month lactation => helps partition energy to BW rather than milk during EL | |||||
Marett et al. (2018) AU | See Marett et al. (2015) | Epinephrine challenge MY, MS, BW, plasma glucose, NEFA and insulin measured | Sensitivity and response to epinephrine challenge decreases as lactation progresses NEFA lowest and leptin highest during EL => suggests partitioning of energy to BW rather than milk | |||||
Jarman et al. (2020) NZ | Pasture-based | NZ cows (breed not specified) | ∼16 | 10 months vs 16 months (n = 301/farmlet) | MS per farmlet | Total DMI similar between farmlets More supplement required for EL Resulted in higher BW and BCS for EL | Farmlet-type study |
If only the calving interval was reported, a 2-month dry-period (*) was assumed; if reported, then the actual dry-period length was used.
AU, Australia; DK, Denmark; NZ, New Zealand; UK, United Kingdom.
BCS, body condition score; BHBA, beta-hydroxybutyrate; BW, bodyweight; DIM, days in milk; DMI, dry matter intake; EB, energy balance; ECM, energy corrected milk; EL, extended lactation; FCE, feed conversion efficiency (=units milk/unit DMI); M, multiparous cows; MS, milk solids (fat + protein yield); MY, milk yield; NEFA, non-esterified fatty acids; P, primiparous cows; SOL, stage of lactation; TMR, total mixed ration; 2× or 3×, twice- or thrice-daily milking frequency.
Sorensen et al. (2008) showed that feeding cows, managed under high-input conditions, a more energy-dense diet post-peak lactation did not affect milk production, LW, BCS or profiles of metabolic hormones (growth hormone, insulin and IGF-I; Sorensen and Knight 2002) during EL. Gaillard et al. (2016a, 2016b) fed cows a more energy-dense diet within a high-input system during the first 7 weeks of lactation when the cows were in negative energy balance. They expected to see positive carry-over effects during subsequent EL; however, although the energy-dense diet improved the energy balance in early lactation and increased milk production, it did not improve production subsequently during EL. In fact, there was a negative effect on lactation persistency past 250 DIM. The energy-dense diet had no effect on plasma insulin or IGF-I but increased NEFA till Week 36 of lactation. Overall, increasing the energy density of the diet appeared to have little benefit for cows in a high-input system. Recently, Burgers et al. (2023) looked at the effect of EL in primi- and multiparous cows on metabolism (i.e. NEFA, β-hydroxybutyrate, glucose, insulin and IGF-I in plasma) and BCS, by using three groups of cows subjected to a VWP (i.e. the post-calving interval during which cows are deliberately not serviced) of 50 (i.e. control group), 125 or 200 days. In primiparous cows EL did not affect milk yield or metabolic parameters. However, in multiparous cows, EL (VWP of 200 days) resulted in less milk and increased BCS during pregnancy and a more negative energy balance during the beginning of the next lactation.
The effect of feeding supplements (i.e. silage and/or grain) on production during EL in cows grazing pasture has been investigated in a number of studies conducted in Australia and New Zealand (Table 2). In all but one of these studies, lactation was extended to between 20 and 22 months.
Rius et al. (2011) showed that short-term (i.e. 68 days, starting at 328 DIM) supplementation of a pasture-only diet with 6 kg DM/day per cow of concentrates during EL can transiently increase daily milk yield and leads to a sustained increase in LW and BCS. However, most studies were conducted with supplementation during the entire EL. Auldist et al. (2011) fed cows a pasture-only diet or pasture supplemented with different levels of grain and showed that grain feeding increased DMI and resulted in an increased feed conversion efficiency (FCE; i.e. units milk/DMI) and a marginal milk-solids response during the EL period, but only during the autumn when the supplements compensated for poorer pasture quality at that time. Williams et al. (2013) also showed that grain supplementation (5 kg/day per cow) to pasture-fed cows during EL can increase milk yield, this time during both spring and autumn.
Marett and co-workers conducted a number of studies in cows with EL, exploring the effect of supplementing a pasture diet with grain (6 kg/day per cow) on the metabolic responses in cows during EL, using a glucose-tolerance test (Marett et al. 2015), insulin-tolerance test (Marett et al. 2017) and epinephrine challenges (Marett et al. 2018). Whereas the observed metabolic changes are complex, collectively their results indicated that grain supplementation increased milk and MS yields and tended to increase LW. The latter is consistent with the suggestion that during EL, a higher proportion of dietary energy is partitioned towards body reserves. The response is likely to be dependent on the level of feed supply, because when cows fed pasture supplemented with grain were fed a restricted diet during only the EL period, milk yield was decreased, BCS slightly increased and metabolic changes suggested increased lipid mobilisation and more energy being partitioned towards milk production (Marett et al. 2011). In contrast, when cows normally fed a pasture-based diet were adjusted to a TMR diet, metabolic hormone changes were consistent with partitioning nutrients to LW gain rather than into milk production and a higher proportion of cows in the TMR group had to be dried-off before 22-months of EL because of excessive LW gain (Grainger et al. 2009; Delany et al. 2010).
In a more recent study, Marett et al. (2019) selected two groups of cows on the basis of either high or low milk yield at 450 DIM (∼15 months). Subsequently, all cows received a pasture diet supplemented with grain (6 kg/day per cow) between 450 DIM and 580 DIM. The high milk-yield cows maintained a higher milk yield throughout the experiment and exhibited a lower plasma insulin response, slower glucose clearance and increased epinephrine sensitivity, resulting in greater lipid mobilisation and more dietary energy being partitioned towards milk production. Given that both high- and low-producing cows were fed the same diet, these differences indicated that in addition to simply feeding more nutrients to maintain milk production during an EL, genetic differences among cows in how these nutrients are utilised are also important.
This is also apparent from the genetic-strain trial by Kolver et al. (2007), which compared NZF and HF cows on pasture diets supplemented with either 0, 3 or 6 kg DM/day per cow of concentrates during a 22-month EL. The HF had a higher FCE than did NZF when supplemented with 6 kg DM concentrate, whereas no differences between these genetic strains were found for cows supplemented with 0 and 3 kg DM during the EL period. Furthermore, Phyn et al. (2008) showed that FCE during the EL, compared with the normal 10-month lactation, was greatest for HF (i.e. 98% vs 88%). The BCS increased linearly with an increasing supplementation level in both NZF and HF cows, but the increases were much lower in the HF. Metabolic responses also appeared to differ between NZF and HF, indicating that HF cows favoured partitioning of nutrients towards milk production rather than to body tissues during EL (Kay et al. 2009).
Taken together, the data indicated that supplementing cows with ≤6 kg/day per cow of grain or concentrates, depending on the pasture quality, makes it possible to maintain a marginal milk response during a period of EL. Higher levels of supplementation may lead to increased partitioning of nutrient towards body gains at the expense of milk production. Moreover, genetics are also important in maintaining milk production during a period of EL and in determining the extent of nutrient partitioning towards either milk or body reserves.
Effect of extended lactation on milk processing and dairy products
As discussed earlier, milk composition is not constant during lactation, and during the post-peak declining phase of lactation significant changes in milk composition occur. Collectively, these changes may adversely affect the processing characteristics of milk and potentially the type of product that can be made from such milk (Lucey 1996; Truong et al. 2016).
During EL, a greater proportion of milk is produced during the post-peak declining phase of lactation, which may exacerbate the effect of undesirable changes in milk composition on dairy processing. A small number of studies on the effect of EL on milk-processing have been reported (Table 3).
Study and country | Farming system | Breed | Extended lactation (months) | Comparisons (number of cows)C | Measurements | Results/conclusions | Comments | |
Sorensen et al. (2008) UK | High-input/TMR | Holstein | ∼16 | Between SOL, within cow (n = 25) | Calculated casein number (=casein as % of total protein) | Casein number dropped with increasing EL | ||
Maciel et al. (2016) DK | High-input/TMR | Danish Holstein | 16* | Between SOL, within cow (n = 47) | Milk composition, quality, and sensory properties; cheesemaking properties | Improved cheesemaking and sensory milk properties | SOL: milk colected and compared at 140–175 DIM, 280–315 DIM, 385–420 DIM | |
Maciel et al. (2017) DK | High-input/TMR | Crossbred (Danish Red/Holstein/Jersey) | 16* | 13 (n = 10) vs 16 months* (n = 18) | Milk composition, quality, and sensory properties; cheesemaking properties | No adverse effects of EL on cheesemaking and sensory properties | Study conducted with commercial herd, split into two groups | |
Turner et al. (2008) NZ | Pasture-based | NZ vs US Holstein | 20* | Between SOL, within cow (n = 56); Also looked at: Breed Concentrate supplementation (0, 3, 6 kg/cow.day) | Milk composition; modelled dairy product yields | Some predicted product yields reduced by EL, whereas others increased. Smaller losses if cows were supplemented with feed. No breed effect | SOL: 300 DIM vs EL; model-simulated processing into 30% whole milk powder, 20% skim milk powder; 25% cheese; 25% casein/butter. | |
Auldist et al. (2010) AU | Pasture-based and high-input/TMR | Friesian | 22 | Control 10 months EL control 22 months EL high 22 months EL TMR 22 months (n = 24/group | Milk composition; cheesemaking properties and cheese yield | Improved cheesemaking properties and cheese yields with EL | 300 DIM control (no EL): pasture + ≤6 kg/cow.day grain EL control: pasture + ≤6 kg/cow.day grain EL high: 50% pasture + 50% grain EL TMR: 100% TMR diet |
If only the calving interval was reported, 2-month dry-period (*) was assumed; if reported, then the actual dry-period length was used.
AU, Australia; DK, Denmark; NZ, New Zealand; UK, United Kingdom.
DIM, days in milk; EL, extended lactation; SOL, stage of lactation; TMR, total mixed ration.
Maciel et al. (2016) measured milk composition and quality, as well as milk sensory and cheesemaking properties (i.e. rennet coagulation time, curd firming rate, gel strength, wet and dry curd yields) in the same cows during what would normally be mid-lactation (140–175 DIM) and late-lactation (280–315 DIM), as well as during EL (385–420 DIM). Interestingly, all measures of cheesemaking properties showed an improvement as lactation progressed, with the biggest improvement during EL. In addition, no adverse sensory characteristics were detected by a trained sensory panel. In a follow-up study on a commercial dairy herd, no adverse effects of EL on cheesemaking and milk sensory characteristics were detected (Maciel et al. 2017). Consistent with these results, there were no adverse effects of EL on milk quality, including proteolytic activity in milk. The latter is in contrast to the results of a study conducted with late-lactation cows on an all-pasture diet (Nicholas et al. 2002). However, in that study the daily milk yield of the cows was much lower (i.e. <10 kg/day) than in the two studies of Maciel et al. (2016, 2017) (approximately 20 kg/day) with intensively managed cows.
Consistent with the observation by Maciel et al. (2016), milk sampled from pasture-fed cows during EL, compared with those with a normal-length lactation (i.e. 300 days) had improved cheesemaking properties (i.e. curd strength and curd firming rate) and cheese yield, regardless of feeding management (Table 3; Auldist et al. 2010).
Sorensen et al. (2008) assessed processing properties of milk indirectly by calculating the casein number (i.e. casein as a percentage of total milk protein) at various stages of lactation and predicted that the lowering of the casein number with increasing EL would lead to a lower yield of cheese and fermented dairy products. However, this was not what was observed in practice when actual cheese was made from EL milk (Auldist et al. 2010; Maciel et al. 2016, 2017). Therefore, the casein number may not be a good indicator for dairy manufacturing properties from EL milk.
Turner et al. (2008) looked at simulated dairy product yields based on milk yields and composition in cows having a normal lactation length (i.e. 300 days) or EL (Table 3). Milk from EL cows on an all-pasture diet resulted in lower predicted yields of whole milk powder, skim milk powder and whey powder, but increased predicted yields of cheese, butter, butter milk powder, casein and whey protein concentrate. However, in cows where pasture was supplemented with concentrates, the decline in predicted whole milk powder was smaller.
Collectively, the data from the limited number of studies investigating the impact of EL on milk-processing indicated that there may not be an adverse effect of EL on milk processing characteristics. It must be noted that very little research has been conducted in this area and that the focus has been mainly on cheese production. A further caveat is that milk yield during EL was higher in these studies than that achieved with a pasture-only diet. To maintain milk yield in cows on pasture during EL would require feed supplementation. Further research is necessary to determine the extent of feed supplementation that is necessary to maintain processing characteristics for a range of common dairy products, including various milk powders.
Effect of extended lactation on reproduction
From the cow’s perspective, maintaining milk production to support its calf takes, biologically, preference over getting pregnant again. Although improved management and genetic selection during the past 40–50 years have led to impressive annual increases in milk production in the modern dairy cow, this appears to have come at the expense of cow reproductive performance, in both high-input/TMR and pasture-based systems (Pryce et al. 2004; Walsh et al. 2011; Abdelsayed et al. 2015).
One of the inherent implications of extending the length of the lactation is that the interval between parturition and pregnancy is increased and re-breeding is delayed till after peak lactation, when the animal has returned to a state of positive energy balance. Such a practice may lead to improved, albeit intentionally delayed, reproductive performance, which is defined as ‘the inherent capacity of the cow to establish ovarian function postpartum, to show overt oestrus, and to conceive and maintain pregnancy when inseminated at the appropriate time’ (p. 1227) (Darwash et al. 1997).
A number of studies has been conducted to investigate the effect of EL on reproductive performance of dairy cows. Given the negative relationship between high milk production and reproductive performance, it is perhaps not surprising that most of the studies on reproductive performance in association with EL were conducted with cows in high-input/TMR systems (Table 4).
Study and country | Farming system | Breed | Extended lactation (months) | Comparisons (number of cows) | Measurement | Results/conclusions | Comments | |
van Amburgh et al. (1997) US | High-input/TMR | Holstein | 14.5* | 11.2 (n = 24) vs 14.5 months* (n = 24) | Services per conception Oestrus detection efficiency Conception rate Pregnancy rate | No effect of EL on reproduction | Data from nine commercial herds All cows received bovine somatotropin injections | |
Ratnayake et al. (1998) SW | High-input/TMR | Swedish Red and White | 16* | 10 months (n = 72) EL 13 months (n = 38) EL 16 months (n = 25) | Calving to first service Calving to conception interval Conception after first service % Pregnancy rate Ovarian disorders | Small but positive trend for higher conception rates and fewer ovarian disorders with 15 months EL | ||
Larsson and Berglund (2000) SW | High-input/TMR | Swedish Red and White and Swedish Friesian | 13* | 10 months vs 13 months | Anoestrus Cystic ovaries Endometritis | Incidence of anoestrus, cystic ovaries and endometritis lower with EL | ||
Gaillard et al. (2016a) DK | High-input/TMR | Holstein | 16 | Cows with positive (n = 31) and negative (n = 31) BW gain during the the first 35 DIM | Frequency of mounting Interval to first oestrus Between-oestrus interval Number of services per pregnancy | Reproductive parameters were not affected by early lactation BW gains | ||
Gaillard et al. (2016b) DK | High-input/TMR | Holstein | 16 | High-density diet vs low-density diet during first 42 DIM (n = 31/group) | Modelled: Repeat 10-month lactations 10-months, then 16-month EL 16-month EL, then 10 months 16-month EL, then 16-month EL | Overall little effect of EL on pregnancy rate according to modelling results | Modelling based on results from Gaillard et al. (2016b) | |
Lehmann et al. (2017) DK | High-input/TMR | ? | Avg, 14 ± 3 | 422 records completed for 427 DIM and stratified into low-, medium- and high-MY groups | First-service conception rate Fist service to conception interval Services/conception | Cows in highest milk-production group had worst reproductive performance No effect of parity | Data from four commercial herds | |
Niozas et al. (2019b) GER | High-input/TMR | Holstein | ≤15* | ∼10 months (n = 135), VWP 40 days ∼13 months (n = 141), VWP 120 days ∼15 months (n = 139), VWP 180 days | Potential inactive ovaries % Cystic ovarian follicle % Oestrus detection at Day 46 post-VWP Services per pregnancy Pregnancy % | No effect on cystic ovarian follicles All other measures improved with 120- and 180-day VWP EL improves reproductive performance in high-yielding cows 75% fewer Ovsynch protocol in 120- and 180-day-VWP groups. | Data from a commercial herd Cows classified into three EL groups | |
Burgers et al. (2021a) NL | High-input/TMR | Holstein | <18* | Cows grouped on the basis of different calving-interval lengths P vs M | Calving to first-service interval Services per conception First-service conception rate | A longer calving interval linked to more services per conception and decreased conception rate at first service Calving interval between 364 days and 531 days most optimal for milk production | Used 4858 completed lactation records from 13 commercial farms, with different VWP strategies | |
Rodríguez-Godina et al. (2021) MEX | High-input/TMR | Holstein | >14.8 | Comparing cows with 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 EL 1338 cows with five EL | Services per pregnancy | EL useful tool to keep high-producing cows that do not conceive <230 DIM in the herd (likely to conceive during EL) | Cows from a commercial herd EL as a result of cows failing to become pregnant after ≥4 services | |
Ma et al. (2022a) NL | High-input/TMR | Holstein | ≤15.8 (see Ma et al. 2022b) | 11.9 months (n = 50), VWP 50 days 14.6 months (n = 49), VWP 125 days 15.8 months (n = 47), VWP 200 days | Onset of luteal activity (based on progesterone) | Percentage of cows cycling normally increased with increasing VWP Pregnancy rate highest in VWP-200-day cows | ||
Edvardsson Rasmussen et al. (2023a) SW | High-input/TMR | Holstein, Red dairy cows | 13 | 10.2 months (n = 252), VWP 25–95 days 13 months (n = 280), VWP 145–215 days | Oestrus behaviour First-conception rate Number of inseminations per conception | Stonger oestrus intensity with EL (55% vs 48%) Higher conception rate with EL (67% vs 51%) No differences in second EL lactation | Primiparous cows followed for two lactations Data from 16 commercial herds | |
Butler et al. (2010) IRE | Pasture-based (winter confinement) | Holstein | 22 | Used 46 cows that failed to get pregnant | Conception rate to first service Pregnancy rate | 85% of cows became pregnant EL may be alternative to culling cows that fail to become pregnant during 12-month calving interval | ||
Kolver et al. (2007) NZ | Pasture-based | NZ vs US Holstein | 20–22* | Looked at breed effect during normal (10 months) and EL (22 months) | 3-week submission rate First-service conception rate 6-week in-calf rate Not-in-calf rate | Normal lactation: US cows performed worst for all measurements During EL similar 3-week submission and first-service conception rates; but US cows had lower 6-week pregnancy rate and higher not-in-calf rate | Normal lactation is during first 10 months of EL Pregnancy during EL measured in same cows when mated after ∼15 months after calving (NB: pregnancies during first 10 months were terminated) | |
Jarman et al. (2020) NZ | Pasture-based | NZ cows (breed not specified) | ∼16 | 10 months vs 16 months (n = 301/farmlet) | 3-week submission rate 6-week in-calf rate Conception rate Not-in-calf rate | All measures improved in cows in EL-farmlet | Farmlet-type study |
If only the calving interval was reported, a 2-months dry-period (*) was assumed; if reported, then the actual dry-period length was used.
DK, Denmark; GER, Germany; IRE, Ireland; MEX, Mexico; NL, The Netherlands; NZ, New Zealand, SW, Sweden; US, United States of America.
BW, bodyweight; DIM, days in milk; EL, extended lactation; FCE, feed conversion efficiency (=units milk/unit DMI); M, multiparous cows; MY, milk yield; P, primiparous cows; TMR, total mixed ration; VWP, voluntary waiting period (for first insemination).
Van Amburgh et al. (1997) found that extending the lactation by 3 months had little effect on reproductive measures. Similar findings were reported when different EL scenarios were modelled (Gaillard et al. 2016c). However, perhaps this lack of an effect was due to cows being treated with somatotropin, which increases milk yield and energy partitioning, or in the latter case, insufficient sensitivity of the model. Other studies have shown a positive effect of EL on reproductive measures, including conception and pregnancy rates (Ratnayake et al. 1998; Larsson and Berglund 2000; Niozas et al. 2019b). Niozas et al. (2019b) showed a clear benefit of increasing the VWP from 40 to 120 or 180 days. Moreover, 74% fewer Ovsynch™ protocols were required in cows with an extended VWP. These results support those in the study by Ma et al. (2022a) where ovarian cycling improved with EL in groups of cows subjected to a VWP of 50, 125 or 200 days. Normal ovarian cycling during 100 days around the end of the VWP (i.e. −50 to 50 days) was 58.0%, 77.3% and 91.9% respectively and fewer cows had prolonged cycles (32.7%, 19.0% and 6.0% respectively). Days until pregnancy after the end of the VWP were fewest in cows with the longest VWP (35.5, 37.3, 19.4 days respectively). Similarly, Edvardsson Rasmussen et al. (2023a) showed that increasing the VWP from 25–95 to 145–215 days in primiparous cows increased oestrus intensity and conception at first-service rate and required fewer inseminations per conception. This will likely result in fewer cows being culled as a result of reproductive failures, as shown by Allore and Erb (2000) by using a simulation model in which the VWP was arbitrarily increased from 50 to 150 days.
A retrospective study of Burgers et al. (2021b), by using data from 13 commercial farms each with different strategies for delaying the calving to first-service interval, indicated no benefit of increasing the VWP (i.e. EL) on services per conception and conception rate. Although these results seem to be at odds with those of other studies, which have reported positive effects of EL on reproductive performance, the authors pointed out that results may not be comparable because of the different strategies for increasing calving interval employed on the different farms. Other studies in commercial herds have shown positive effects of EL. Mellado et al. (2016) and, more recently, Rodríguez-Godina et al. (2021) suggested that EL may be a useful management tool with high-producing cows that are exposed to heat-stress conditions and that fail to conceive in <230 DIM, because many of these cows maintain a high level of production and eventually will become pregnant again.
Most studies looking at the possible benefits of EL on reproductive performance have been conducted with high-yielding cows in high-input/TMR systems (Table 4). However, this does not mean that in a pasture-based system, where the production level of cows is lower than that in high-input/TMR-based systems, there is no adverse relationship between the level of production and reproductive performance (Walsh et al. 2011; Abdelsayed et al. 2015). Butler et al. (2010) showed that in a pasture-based system carrying cows that failed to get pregnant during a 12-month calving interval through an EL may offer an alternative to culling, as 85% became pregnant during the period of 10 months of EL. Although it was noted that the higher the milk production potential of the cows is, the better they are suited to EL. Moreover, in a farmlet comparison, cows having EL (i.e. 16 months) had better 3-week submission, 6-week in-calf and conception rates and lower not-in-calf rates (Jarman et al. 2020) than did those with a normal 10-month lactation length.
Overall, EL appears to improve reproductive performance and allows more time for cows to become pregnant again. Even so, with EL, the negative relationship between milk production and reproductive performance remains. Lehmann et al. (2017) showed that when cows during EL were stratified in low, medium and high milk-yield groups, the cows in the high group had the lowest reproductive performance. Further, when comparing NZF with HF cows in a pasture-based system, Kolver et al. (2007) showed that the high genetic merit for milk production cows (HF) had the worst reproductive performance during a normal 10-month lactation. And although during EL, the 3-week submission rate and the first-service conception rate were similar for NZF and HF, the latter still had a lower 6-week pregnancy rate and higher not-in calf rate.
Effect of extended lactation on animal health and welfare
Animal health
Given that the periparturient transition period, the time during early lactation when the cow is in negative energy balance, the time of drying-off, and the dry period itself are all periods of increased risk for health issues, such as mastitis, metabolic disorders and uterine disorders (Ingvartsen 2006; Leblanc 2010; Cameron et al. 2014; Vilar and Rajala-Schultz 2020), it is surprising that more research has not been conducted in relation to EL. Because the period of EL itself is relatively risk free, one or more EL will reduce the number of high-risk periods and total number of health risk days over the lifetime of the cow. However, this assumes that cows are well-managed during the dry-period following EL, to avoid excessive body condition which may exacerbate health issues around calving.
Using a simulation model, Allore and Erb (2000) demonstrated that increasing the VWP from 50 to 150 days (i.e. extending the lactation) significantly reduced the predicted rates of mastitis, reproductive and metabolic disorders on a cow-year and a milk-yield basis. However, in a study using commercial dairy herds, Edvardsson Rasmussen et al. (2023a) found no effect of increasing the VWP from 25–95 to 145–215 days on disease incidence or culling rate in primiparous cows followed for two lactations. Similarly, comparing cows with a VWP of 120 or 180 days with control cows (i.e. VWP of 40 days; 305-day lactation) Niozas et al. (2019a) concluded that increasing the VWP had ‘no adverse effects on involuntary culling and udder health’ (p. 811). Österman et al. (2005) showed that the average somatic cell count (SCC) in milk did not differ between cows with a normal 10-month lactation length and those with the lactation extended to 16 months. The incidence of mastitis was not reported for this study. However, these results agree with those from a more recent study (Ma et al. 2022b), where EL up to 15.8 months had no effect on milk SCC or the incidence of clinical mastitis. Interestingly, this study also indicated that cows that had previously been subjected to EL had an elevated milk SCC during the first 6 weeks of the subsequent lactation, but no increase in clinical mastitis. Lacy-Hulbert et al. (2006), by using the cows of the NZF and HF genetic-comparison EL trial (Kolver et al. 2007), found fewer cases of clinical mastitis during the EL period (i.e. between 10 and 22 months of lactation) than during the normal 10-month lactation; however, SCC were higher during EL.
The latter paradox is interesting because normally an elevated SCC is indicative of an increased incidence of mastitis. However, as lactation progresses, and milk yield declines, more mammary cells will slough off and there is a normal gradual physiological increase in the number of somatic cells in milk as involution progresses. This is reflected in a higher SCC during late lactation, which is likely to be exacerbated by EL and is unrelated to mammary infection status (Laevens et al. 1997; Sorensen et al. 2008). Therefore, milk SCC may not be a good indicator of mammary health during EL and bacteriological testing of milk samples collected during EL is preferrable to assess the prevalence of mastitis. The increased level of milk SCC during EL in the pasture-based study compared with a lack of change in SCC observed in the high-input studies is likely to be due to the lower milk production of the cows in the pasture system being more representative of that of an involuting mammary gland.
Animal welfare
Not only does EL reduce the potential number of high health-risk days over the lifetime of the animal, but fewer health issues as a consequence would likely improve animal welfare.
Furthermore, EL may also offer a tool to reduce the number of surplus calves being born. Because EL increases the calving interval, over the lifetime of the cow this translates into fewer pregnancy events and fewer calves being born. Browne et al. (2014) predicted that 9% fewer herd replacements were needed if the lactation length was extended from the normal 10–16 months. In New Zealand, male calves and female calves that are born alive and well, and not kept as herd replacements, are transported to processing plants to be slaughtered within a week after birth, reared or sold for beef production, or euthanised on farm (Edwards et al. 2021). In many other countries, these calves are transported to veal production systems (Creutzinger et al. 2021). Although euthanising animals is not a welfare concern per se, providing it is performed humanely without causing undue stress and suffering to the animal, such a practice, as well as calves being transported and slaughtered at a young age and used for veal production, carries a stigma in the general public’s eye and increasingly contributes to a negative perception of dairying, as does the early separation of the calf from its mother (Bolton and von Keyserlingk 2021; Placzek et al. 2021; Ritter et al. 2022; Sirovica et al. 2022).
Overall, little research has been conducted to address potential benefits of EL for animal health and welfare. This is likely because of the difficulty, in general, of quantifying animal health, and in particular animal welfare, and to measure objectively demonstrable improvements. However, more effort should go into this because improved health and welfare foremost improve animal welfare and can also lead to improved farm economics and a more favourable perception of dairy farming by the general public.
Extended lactation and environmental consequences
Greenhouse-gas emissions
Methane and nitrous oxide are key greenhouse gasses (GHG) contributing to global warming. On the basis of life-cycle assessments, agriculture contributes approximately 18% of global anthropogenic emissions, with livestock contributing approximately 9% (Gill et al. 2010). Ruminants, including dairy cows, produce methane as a by-product of rumen fermentation and, indirectly, nitrous oxide is emitted from surplus dietary nitrogen excreted in faeces and urine. Hristov et al. (2013) reviewed a number of management practices to reduce GHG emissions from dairy cows and briefly mentioned EL as a potential tool to mitigate GHG emissions.
Different ways of expressing GHG emissions can make it difficult to compare the impact of EL among studies. In the case of EL, the most effective way to express the intensity of GHG emissions from dairy cows is the amount of carbon dioxide-equivalent (i.e. converting methane and nitrous oxide to carbon dioxide-equivalent units) per unit ECM-milk produced per lifetime. This would take into account changes in milk production and composition as a result of EL and also account for fewer lifetime non-productive dry-periods and lower lost production because of fewer lifetime health-risk days and fewer cows being culled prematurely. Fewer calves born, as a result of EL, also has a positive effect on GHG emissions because less feed and other resources are required to raise these non-productive animals (Lehmann et al. 2014, 2016; Kok et al. 2017).
No controlled animal experiments assessing the impact of EL on GHG emissions have been published, but a number of modelling studies has been conducted to estimate the effect of EL on GHG emissions (Wall et al. 2012; Browne et al. 2014; Kok et al. 2019; Lehmann et al. 2019).
Wall et al. (2012) used national herd data from the United Kingdom to model the effect of EL of 2 months (i.e. 370 DIM) and 4.5 months (i.e. 440 DIM) on GHG emissions from the ‘national herd’. They showed that EL actually increased GHG emissions, expressed as units carbon dioxide-equivalents per farm, by approximately 10%. This increase was predominantly due to a decrease in milk production associated with EL. In contrast, GHG emissions were about 25% lower in the top 10% highest-producing cows.
Using a mechanistic biophysical model (DairyMod), Browne et al. (2014) compared cows with 300 DIM with those at 480 DIM and found that EL reduced both total GHG emissions per farm and emission intensity (i.e. units carbon dioxide-equivalents per unit MS).
More recently, Kok et al. (2019), using a stochastic simulation model, modelled the effect of 2 and 4 months of EL on GHG emission intensity (i.e. units carbon dioxide-equivalents/unit ECM). They concluded that the impact of EL on GHG intensity very much depended on the lactation persistency of the cows. If cows maintained their production during EL, the impact would be positive, whereas if EL resulted in a lower milk production, the impact was negative.
In another recent study, Lehmann et al. (2019) used a dynamic, mechanistic and stochastic model (SimHerd) to predict the effect of EL on GHG emission intensity (units carbon dioxide equivalents per unit ECM and per unit annual cow feed production). They compared 15- and 17-month calving intervals to a 13-month interval. Emission intensity was reduced by up to 8% by EL, as a result of less feed required and reduced enteric fermentation outputs. Interestingly, these authors also looked at the impact of fewer calves on beef production. Whilst fewer calves born may positively impact on GHG emission on the dairy farm, it may then lead to an increase in emissions from beef production elsewhere in the agricultural sector.
Combined, these studies indicated that the level of milk production and feed requirements during EL are key factors in determining a potential positive effect of an EL strategy for mitigating GHG emissions. They also highlighted the complexity of modelling such an effect, depending on the type of model, type and detail of the input variables and assumptions (including animal physiological changes as a result of EL and feeding strategies). Moreover, they highlighted the difficulty of comparing results across studies, owing to reporting of different indicators for GHG emissions (per farm, per cow, per kilogram milk, MS or ECM, or per unit of feed intake), as well as including or excluding off-farm ramifications (i.e. lifecycle implications). There is a need for both more robust models and empirical research to provide better and more detailed input data and to assess whole-of-system impact.
Antibiotic use
There is growing concern that the use of antibiotics in animals used for food production may lead to antibiotic resistance, in both animals and humans (Ma et al. 2021). Antibiotic residues and antibiotic-resistant pathogens not only can cross-over to humans directly via contaminated meat or milk (Marshall and Levy 2011), but also indirectly through an environmental route via ground water and/or manure and irrigation water applied to crops (Pan and Chu 2017). This has led to a concerted effort to reduce the use of antibiotics in agriculture (Groot et al. 2021).
As discussed earlier, EL leads to fewer health-risk periods over the lifetime of the animal. Conceivably, this could also lead to a concomitant decrease in the need of veterinary treatments during the lifetime of the animal, through a reduced need for therapeutic use of antibiotics at dry off, and during calving-related health events. Indeed, Ma et al. (2022b) showed that dry-cow treatment antibiotic use was reduced with EL, simply as a result of fewer dry-off events being required.
There is a need to quantify the possible reduction in antibiotic use associated not only with dry-cow treatment, but also associated with therapeutic use during health-risk periods, as a result of EL. Extended lactation may be considered as part of the current drive to lower the use of antibiotics in agriculture.
Effect of extended lactation and economics
For EL to become an acceptable on-farm management tool, its implementation has to be at least cost-neutral and preferably increase farm profitability. A number of studies have been conducted to quantify the economic impact of EL, on the basis of actual farm data (van Amburgh et al. 1997; Arbel et al. 2001; Malcolm 2005; Butler et al. 2010; Browne et al. 2014; Dalcq et al. 2018; Burgers et al. 2022) or on simulated scenarios (Rotz et al. 2005; Inchaisri et al. 2011; Kok et al. 2019; Lehmann et al. 2019). Although most studies have indicated a neutral or positive impact of EL on profitability, it is difficult to draw firm conclusions, given the range of models, input variables and assumptions employed and different durations of EL (Table 5). Moreover, the outputs of the models vary from profitability per cow (van Amburgh et al. 1997; Kok et al. 2019) to that on a whole-farm basis (Butler et al. 2010; Browne et al. 2014; Lehmann et al. 2019). Given that EL affects animal factors and farm-wide factors, such as amount of feed grown or purchased, land and fertiliser use and labour requirements, a whole-farm model is preferrable however complex it may be. The model used in the study by Lehmann et al. (2019) is the most comprehensive in terms of the range of inputs.
Study and country | Farming system | Breed | Extended lactation (months) | Comparisons and number of cows | Measurement or input | Results/conclusions | Comments | |
van Amburgh et al. (1997) US | High-input/TMR | Holstein | 14.5* | 11.2 (n = 24) vs 14.5 months* (n = 24) | Milk price, feed costs, cost of somatotropin, heifer replacement costs Economics based on 2.9 lactations per lifetime | Increased profitability for EL | Based on experimental data Data from nine commercial herds All cows received bovine somatotropin injections | |
Arbel et al. (2001) IR | High-input/TMR | Holstein | 14 | 12 (n = 348) vs 14 months (n = 402) Also: P vs M | Milk price, value (in US$) of calves and cull cows, feed costs Economics based on full lactation + first 150 days of next lactation | Net US$ return/day of calving interval highest for EL cows Slightly higher for P than for M cows | Based on experimental data Very short period of EL | |
Rotz et al. (2005) USA | High-input/TMR | Holstein | 22* | Standard farm of 100 cows vs different scenarios | Labour, fuel price, property tax, total livestock expenses, barn costs, fertiliser costs, seed and chemical costs, capital cost, cull-cow and -calf costs, feed costs, depreciation costs | Positive returns with EL, provided annualised milk production does not drop by more than 7% | Modelling study (integrated farm-systems model) | |
Inchaisri et al. (2011) NL | High-input/TMR | Holstein | – | Base cow: 305 DIM, 6-week VWP VWP varied from 7 to 15 weeks | Milk price, calf price, artificial insemination cost, calving management cost, cow-cull cost | ≥6-week VWP gave economic losses | Modelling study (Monte-Carlo dynamic stochastic simulation) Using partial budget approach No feed costs taken into account | |
Dalcq et al. (2018) BE | High-input/TMR | – | ≤19* | Records between 295 and 575 DIM were used, divided into four feeding groups (extensive, low intensive, intensive, very intensive) | Milk price, cull-cow and -calf prices, feed costs | Profitability with EL decreased in more intensive systems, but depends on feed costs and milk production | Modelling study based on 1832 farm accounts (multiple-correspondence analysis) Record between 295 and 575 DIM were used | |
Kok et al. (2019) NL | High-input/TMR | Holstein | Extended by 2 or 4 months | Comparing 2- or 4-month extensions with baseline | Milk prices, cull-cow and -calf prices, heifer replacement cost, feed costs | A positive NPCF with EL only if lactation persistency was increased | Modelling study (dynamic stochastic simulation) NPCF calculated | |
Lehmann et al. (2019) DK | High-input/TMR | Holstein | ≤15* | Comparing base (11 months*) with 13-month* or 15-month* EL | Milk price and production (various scenarios), range of cow factors relating to culling and reproduction, feed parameters, land use, environmental inputs | EL can be profitable | Modelling study (HerdSim) | |
Burgers et al. (2022) NL | High-input/TMR | Holstein | ≤15 | 11.2 months (VWP 50 days) vs 13.5 months (VWP 125 days) vs 15.1 months (VWP 200 days) (n = 51/group) | Milk price, cull-cow and -calf prices, feed costs, veterinary costs, cost of discarded milk, insemination costs, labour costs | Milk revenue and feed cost had biggest impact on NPCF The yearly NPCF was not affected by VWP | Based on experimental data (Burgers et al. (2023)) NPCF calculated per cow | |
Malcolm (2005) AU | Pasture-based (supplemented with concentrate) | – | ≤18 | Comparing base (10 months*) with 15-month* or 18-month* EL | Milk price, cull-cow and -calf prices, feed costs, reproduction costs, labour costs, repair and maintenance, depreciation | EL increased annual operating profits and percentage return on capital | Whole-farm case study of two farms over a 48-month period Farm 1: 400 spring-, 100 summer-, 100 autumn-calving cows Farm 2: 200 spring-, 200 autumn-calving cows | |
Butler et al. (2010) IRE | Pasture-based (winter confinement) | Holstein | 22 | Used 46 cows that failed to get pregnant | Animal inventory and value, milk production, feed, and land and labour-utilisation parameters | Cows with the highest milk production potential were most profitable with EL Low-production cows not suitable for EL and should be culled The higher the milk price, the higher the profitability with EL | Based on experimental data Used a stochastic budgetary model (Moorepark dairy-systems model) | |
Browne et al. (2014) AU | Pasture-based (supplemented with concentrate) | Holstein | 480 DIM (∼16) | 300 DIM (10 months) vs 480 DIM (∼16 months) | Milk production, culling, replacement feed (including estimated pasture intake) parameters Carbon-offset income | EL increased profitability, owing to increased MS Animal productivity had bigger effect on profitability than carbon-offset income EL reduced replacement rate by 9% | Modelling study (whole-farm mecanistic biophysical model: DairyMod) Based on real farm records (6 years) Used 20% or 35% DM intake from concentrates; rest pasture |
If only the calving interval was reported, a 2-month dry-period (*) was assumed; if reported, then the actual dry-period length was used.
AU, Australia; BE, Belgium; DK, Denmark; IR, Israel; IRE, Ireland; NL, The Netherlands; US, United States of America.
DIM, days in milk; EL, extended lactation; M, multiparous cows; MS, milk solids (fat + protein yield); NPCF, net partial cash flow; P, primiparous cows; TMR, total mixed ration; VWP, voluntary waiting period (for first insemination).
Feed costs and the ability of cows to maintain milk production during EL (i.e. lactation persistency) are key drivers determining the profitability of EL (Table 5). However, to focus mainly on feed costs and the production level is too simplistic and future models may need to accommodate considerably more detail. For example, if there are fewer health-risk periods associated with EL, simply adjusting culling rate may not be sufficient. Cows that fail to get pregnant within the constraints of a 12-month calving interval may become pregnant again when EL allows for an extended VWP, and remain profitable, in both high- and low-input farm systems (Butler et al. 2010; Mellado et al. 2016). Moreover, fewer health-risk periods may result in fewer veterinary expenses and less discarded milk resulting from antibiotic treatments (Burgers et al. 2022). To maintain genetic progress, with fewer calves to select from, so called genetic lag, the use of sexed semen may have a positive effect on economic returns with EL (Clasen et al. 2019).
Increasingly, environmental impacts of farm management practices have to be taken into account when evaluating farm profitability. Extending lactation may decrease GHG emissions (Browne et al. 2014; Lehmann et al. 2019) and this may increase profitability depending on the carbon-offset cost (Browne et al. 2014).
Changes in consumer perception around animal welfare, euthanasia or treatment of dairy calves, and antibiotic use are increasingly affecting the social license to operate of the dairy sector. All have the potential to be improved by EL and increase the market value of the products derived from these systems. Models need to be able to accommodate such changes to be useful to the sector to guide system and management decisions.
Effect of extended lactation on the seasonal pasture-based farming system
Implementation of EL as a routine management practice in a low(er)-cost- and -input pasture-based system is more complex than in a high-input/TMR-based dairy system. This is because in the latter, a similar diet, based largely on conserved forages supplemented with concentrates and/or grains, is fed throughout the lactation, and extending the lactation will, by and large, not affect the daily management of the dairy operation. Whereas in a pasture-based system, cows usually calve in spring, when high-quality pasture is readily available to meet their high metabolic demands and are commonly dried-off during winter when pasture growth is at its lowest. Such a system lends itself well to a 12-month calving interval. Although grass growth can, as a result of climatic change, increasingly continue during the winter season (Jarman et al. 2020) and this can increase farm profitability when cows are milked during winter (Chikazhe et al. 2017), extending lactation means that (more) forage will have to be conserved on-farm and additional supplements (e.g. concentrates and/or grains; maize silage) will need to be brought in to supplement cows through at least one winter season, so as to maintain milk production longer.
Another complexity is that in a pasture-based system, the level of milk production per cow is usually lower than that from cows in high-input/TMR systems, where cows have been selected to maximise milk production per unit of feed, rather than maximise milk production from pasture (Kolver et al. 2007). This means that in pasture-fed cows maintaining milk yield during an EL at a profitable level may be challenging.
Whereas feed costs and maintaining milk production (i.e. lactation persistency) are key drivers determining profitability of EL (Table 5), there are other factors to consider. These include a spread in labour input (especially around seasonal calving, when all cows in the herd calve in a short period of time, and subsequent mating time) and income across the year (Borman et al. 2004) and, potentially, other factors such as animal health and welfare and environmental implications, as discussed earlier.
This means that implementing EL in a pasture-based farm system must be seen in the context of a full dairy-systems approach (Borman et al. 2004; Butler et al. 2010; Lehmann et al. 2014, 2019). The only study in which a systems approach was applied to assess the effect of EL is the New Zealand study by Jarman et al. (2020; Table 1). These researchers compared cows milked for 10 months with those milked for 16 months (i.e. an 18-month calving interval) in a farmlet-type trial (Table 1). Despite similar levels of total MS per cow between the two farmlets, more feed supplements were used in the EL farmlet. Reproductive performance and BCS were improved with EL. Importantly, the authors noted that because of such carry-over effects, the impact of EL must be measured over several lactation cycles. This study did not take into account other factors such as the need for fewer replacements, animal health and welfare, environmental impacts or labour requirements, nor was an economic analysis performed.
Finally, the seasonality of pasture-based farming means that all cows are dried off during the winter period. Traditionally, this ‘quiet time’ of approximately 2 months allows time to catch up on farm-maintenance activities and more time for the pursuit of off-farm activities. Implementing EL means that farmers no longer have the luxury of this ‘quiet time’ period.
Given the unique challenges faced when implementing EL into a pasture-based system, more research is needed to establish the short- and long-term effects of EL at a farm-system level, what such a system might look like (e.g. should all cows in the herd or only high-producing and/or primiparous cows be subjected to EL), and how it affects animal health and welfare, labour requirements and work environment, farm economics, environmental parameters, milk flow to processors, and milk quality and processability.
The concept of EL, where lactation is extended beyond 305-day lactation length, has been discussed in relation to high-input/TMR and low(er)-input pasture-based farming systems. High-producing cows and those that have high lactation persistency are most suited for EL, as late-lactation milk-yield losses are the smallest in such cows. Changes in milk composition mimic those normally occurring during late lactation and they appear to have little to no effect on milk sensory and processing characteristics; although mostly only cheese manufacturing has been considered at this stage. The greater interval between calving and mating associated with EL can improve reproductive performance. Animal health and welfare may also improve with EL because there are fewer health-risk days over the lifetime of the animal. Similarly, EL results in fewer pregnancies during the lifetime of the cow. This means that there are fewer cow–calf separation events and fewer ‘surplus’ calves being slaughtered. As such, EL may help address adverse consumer perceptions towards such practices. Compared with EL in an intensive farming system where feed supply and consistency remain relatively unchanged, implementing EL in a pasture-based system is more challenging in terms of securing feed supplements to manage effects of seasonal changes in pasture quantity and quality to maintain milk yield at a high-enough level to prevent cows drying themselves off. Moreover, limited (≤6 kg/day) supplementation of concentrates may help maintain production but genetically cows bred for pasture-based systems seem to be more prone to partitioning the extra energy towards increasing body condition than towards milk. In contrast, high-producing cows reared under intensive farming conditions appear to be genetically inclined to direct nutrients more towards milk production. More research to explore how best to implement an EL strategy in a pasture-based system is warranted, given the potential benefits of such a practice. This requires a systems approach to assess the impact on farm economics, GHG emissions, freshwater quality, animal health and welfare, labour requirements and work environment, milk flow to processors, and milk quality and processability.
Data availability
Data sharing is not applicable because no new data were generated as part of this literature review.
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