PRO Plus: a whole-farm fodder budgeting decision support system
M. J. McPhee, A. K. Bell, P. Graham, G. R. Griffith and G. P. Meaker
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture
40(4) 621 - 630
Published: 2000
This paper describes PRO Plus, a whole-farm fodder budgeting decision support system for beef, sheep meat and wool producers. The program predicts the pasture mass available at the end of each month for individual paddocks based on pasture growth rates, number of stock, intake and the grazing plan where producers allocate mobs weekly to paddocks. Two case studies are presented that identify how the program can be used individually or in conjunction with other programs to make management decisions. PRO Plus is an integral component of the PROGRAZE Plus course and assists producers to improve the financial viability and sustainability of their farms through better pasture and grazing management.Keywords: grazing plan, pasture and livestock management, PROGRAZE. language.
© CSIRO 2000