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Animal Production Science Animal Production Science Society
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The effect of foliar and soil applied molybdenum treatments on the molybdenum concentration of maize grain

RG Weir, RK Nagle, JB Noonan and AGW Towner

Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture and Animal Husbandry 16(82) 761 - 764
Published: 1976


Soil and foliar treatments to raise the concentration of molybdenum in maize grain were compared. Both methods raised molybdenum concentrations in the grain and leaves, but the foliar sprays were more effective. Spraying when the maize plants were 80 cm tall increased the molybdenum concentration in the seed more than earlier spraying when the plants were only 30 cm tall. None of the treatments affected grain yield or the nitrogen concentration in the grain or leaves. Foliar sprays should allow a reduction in the rates of molybdenum now needed to maintain adequate levels in certified hybrid maize seed.

© CSIRO 1976

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