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A long term rootstock trial for pears under irrigation in the Goulburn Valley

A Selimi and JC Keatley

Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture and Animal Husbandry 7(24) 83 - 86
Published: 1967


The effects of five Pyrus communis seedling rootstocks were compared with Kieffer (P. communis x P. serotina) seedling for Williams' Bon Chretien, Packham's Triumph, Beurre Bosc, and Josephine de Malines varieties. The general findings were : 1. Broom Park yielded more than Winter Cole and Beurre Bosc (P<0.05), but did not differ from Winter Nelis, Kieffer or Cole's seedling. 2. Growth was measured in two different ways. In butt circumference, only Broom Park and Winter Nelis were larger (P<0.05) than Beurre Bosc. All rootstocks except Coles seedling had heavier pruning weights than Beurre Bosc (P<0.05). 3. Rootstocks did not produce any differences in cropping precocity, but Williams' Bon Chretien and Packham's Triumph began cropping three years earlier than Beurre Bosc and Josephine de Malines. 4. All four varieties on P. communis rootstocks were completely free from the fruit disorder called black-end. Williams' Bon Chretien and Josephine de Malines pears on Kieffer rootstock were affected by black-end.

© CSIRO 1967

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