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Management of soil acidity in long-term pastures of south-eastern Australia: a review

B. J. Scott, A. M. Ridley and M. K. Conyers

Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 40(8) 1173 - 1198
Published: 2000


Acidification of non arable soils under long-term pasture presents a major agricultural problem in the high rainfall areas (≥600 mm/year) of central and southern New South Wales and north-eastern Victoria. Some of these soils were already strongly acid to depth before agriculture. Evidence suggests that persistence of pasture species tolerant of acidic soils is being affected adversely on a number of severely acidic soils. Acidification processes are well understood but the capacity for grazing enterprises to pay for amendment by lime application is a major constraint in long-term pasture areas. In addition, soil acidification is likely to have substantial off-site effects on water quantity and quality and as a result, on dryland salinity. However, there is a paucity of scientific evidence to link soil acidity and dryland salinity in this way.

Production from a grazing enterprise can be maintained by selecting plants for tolerance of acidity, surface application of lime or a combination of both. Responses by subterranean clover, lucerne and perennial grass (mainly phalaris and cocksfoot)-based pastures to incorporated lime are reported, but there is limited evidence of responses to surface applied lime. The movement of the lime effect into the soil from surface application is suggested as a major factor in controlling lime responses by plants. There is a need for more confidence in the benefits of topdressed lime in non arable soils before producers are likely to adopt the practice. High subsurface acidity in many soils is a major limitation to the range of species that can be grown. In the longer term, the use of lime may remove constraints on the use of productive species such as lucerne.

Other options for acidic soils where slope is less than 10% are for the grazing system to be modified or intensified, or for crop or horticultural production. Costs of lime could be justified through more profitable enterprises than traditional grazing operations. Low input systems based on native grasses are intrinsically appealing, however, this is only possible where a premium is paid for such produce (such as super fine wool).

Forestry is an option where suitable land and infrastructure are present and should slow soil acidification and minimise off-site impacts. Land retirement may be a useful option for some parts of the landscape that contribute disproportionately to environmental problems. Private and government funded land retirement may have a role to play.

Keywords: aluminium, land use, lime, manganese, subsurface, tolerance.

© CSIRO 2000

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