Effects of capacitating media and incubation time on collared peccary sperm quality, acrosome reaction, and binding ability
Maria Valéria de Oliveira Santos A , Andréia Maria da Silva B , Leonardo Vitorino Costa de Aquino A , Lhara Ricarliany Medeiros de Oliveira A , João Batista Freire de Souza-Junior B , Moacir Franco de Oliveira C , Alexandre Rodrigues Silva A and Alexsandra Fernandes Pereira
Several assisted reproduction techniques have been proposed for collared peccaries due to the interest in its conservation. However, there is little information about the requirements for sperm capacitation, an initial step in in vitro fertilisation.
We aimed to determine the optimal conditions for collared peccary sperm capacitation by comparing Tyrode’s albumin lactate pyruvate (TALP) or the same media plus heparin, caffeine, or their combination at different exposure times (1, 3, and 6 h).
The samples were evaluated for kinetic parameters, membrane functionality and integrity, mitochondrial activity, morphology, DNA integrity, reactive oxygen species (ROS) expression levels, capacitation, and sperm binding ability using swine oocytes.
Samples incubated with caffeine or heparin had a higher percentage of capacitated spermatozoa. The maximum percentage of capacitation was achieved after 3 h of incubation with either agent. Moreover, spermatozoa subjected to heparin capacitation showed better motility than when subjected to caffeine, and lower ROS expression levels after 1 h. No differences were observed among incubation times for the binding ability.
In summary, collared peccary spermatozoa can be capacitated with caffeine or heparin; however, heparin better maintains sperm motility and ROS expression levels. The co-incubation of gametes in a medium with heparin for 3 h could be efficient for in vitro fertilisation in collared peccaries.
This result will contribute to the development of assisted reproduction techniques for conservation and productivity of collared peccaries.
Keywords: animal conservation, assisted reproduction, caffeine, capacitation, heparin, semen, spermatozoa, wild ungulates.
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