The genetic and phenotypic associations between lamb survival outcomes and other traits recorded at lambing
K. L. Bunter

A AGBU, a joint venture of NSW Department of Primary Industries and University of New England, Armidale, NSW 2351, Australia.
Animal Production Science 63(11) 1148-1159
Submitted: 28 April 2023 Accepted: 15 May 2023 Published: 15 June 2023
© 2023 The Author(s) (or their employer(s)). Published by CSIRO Publishing. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND)
Context: Australian sheep breeding values (ASBVs) for lambing ease (LE) are estimated by Sheep Genetics, by using a threshold animal model at the lamb level, in a tri-variate analysis that includes data on birth weight, gestation length and lambing ease score. The implications of these traits for lamb survival, or the use of other indirect traits to improve accuracy of ASBVs for LE, are not currently being considered. Ultimately, it is desirable to extend the analysis to outcomes for individual lamb survival.
Aim: The present study investigated implications of LE for lamb survival outcomes, accounting for litter size, and examined associations with other traits recorded at or shortly after lambing in maternal sheep breeds.
Methods: Equivalent linear models were used to compare lamb- and ewe-level models with various combinations of additional random effects. In particular, lambing ease was treated as a different trait for single-born and twin-born lambs, to identify changes in genetic correlations associated with litter size between LE and other traits. Other traits included lambs recorded dead at birth, survival to weaning, lamb birth weight, gestation length and maternal behaviour score.
Key results: Individual lamb survival outcomes inferred from field data and dead at birth lambs, are lowly heritable traits influenced by both direct and maternal effects. Lamb survival is positively correlated with birth weight, but negatively correlated with gestation length, lambing ease score (increasing lambing difficulty) and dead at birth lambs. Genetic and phenotypic correlations demonstrated that birth weight and lambing ease are antagonistic traits, more so for single-born lambs. Genetic correlations were moderate between dead at birth lambs and LE (0.40–0.45 singles; 0.15–0.36 including data from twins) or lamb survival (−0.63 to −0.81 singles; −0.00 to −0.23 including data from twins) and can add to the accuracy of genetic evaluation for these traits. In contrast, maternal behaviour score was predominantly an ewe trait, and will therefore add to accuracy of evaluation only for maternal effects. Lamb-level models appeared to underestimate heritability, sometimes compensated for by larger variance, and over-estimate genetic correlations for some traits relative to ewe-level models.
Conclusions: Expanding the current lambing ease analysis to include dead at birth records and lamb survival outcomes would provide more detailed options for breeders to develop breeding goals to improve outcomes for both ewes and lambs. Further work is required to expand analyses to include threshold and continuous traits and understand genetic contributions to ewe survival traits.
Implications: Relative selection emphasis on LE and birth weight must be considered in light of the expected litter size in which lambs will be born, to ensure favourable outcomes for lamb survival overall. Accuracy of genetic evaluation for LE can be improved using data on dead at birth. Equivalent ewe model analyses are possible. Completeness of pedigree, availability of informative lamb level data and integration with other traits are also factors to consider for the choice between operational lamb- versus ewe-level models for genetic evaluation systems.
Keywords: birth weight, correlation, gestation length, heritability, lambing difficulty, lambing ease, linear model, maternal behaviour score, maternal effects.
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