Effects of fibre sources on physiological properties and reproductive performance in gestating and lactating sows
Leonardo Francisco Rocha Ferreira A , Itallo Conrado Sousa de Araújo
Few experiments have demonstrated how alternative fibre sources such as micronised citrus pulp in the diet of sows during pregnancy and lactation can influence the productive and biochemical parameters of the sows.
The aim of the study was to compare different fibre sources fed to sows during gestation for effects on serum biochemical and reproductive parameters, and to determine how these effects may relate to sow and piglet performances.
In total, 220 sows of average initial liveweight 240.72 ± 29.42 kg were allotted to a completely randomised design with four treatments and 55 sows per treatment. The treatments comprised different fibre sources (micronised citrus pulp, soybean hulls and coffee husks) included in the feed, with a maize–soybean-meal-based diet as the control. Productive and biochemical parameters were assessed.
Productive and reproductive performance during gestation and lactation, and litter birth weight, were not influenced (P > 0.05) by treatment. Placental efficiency (g fetus produced/g placenta) was lower (P < 0.05) in sows receiving soybean hulls than coffee husks (4.9 vs 5.4). Control sows presented lower (P < 0.05) stillborn rate than those supplemented with soybean hulls (1.08% vs 2.72%). Blood glucose, creatinine, lactate, triglycerides, total protein, cholesterol and urea were not influenced (P > 0.05) by treatment. Postprandial blood glucose and triglycerides levels were higher (P < 0.05) than preprandial levels, whereas preprandial cholesterol was higher (P < 0.05) than postprandial (67.74 vs 62.51 mg/dL).
Diverse fibre sources minimally impacted sow performance; coffee husks emerged as a potentially advantageous choice.
Nutritional strategies to enhance reproductive and productive performance can be developed by incorporating coffee husks, micronised citrus pulp or soybean hulls in sows’ feed. Use of these fibre sources did not alter reproductive and productive parameters or blood metabolites of the sows.
Keywords: alternative ingredients, coffee husks, fiber, micronized citrus pulp, piglets, polysaccharides, pregnant sows, soybean hulls.
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