Effect of litter system and nest box type on egg production and performance of Ross 308 broiler breeders
Marcin Wegner A , Dariusz Kokoszynski
A Department of Animal Breeding and Nutrition, Bydgoszcz University of Science and Technology, 85084 Bydgoszcz, Poland.
Animal Production Science 62(16) 1600-1606 https://doi.org/10.1071/AN21193
Submitted: 17 April 2021 Accepted: 13 May 2022 Published: 15 August 2022
© 2022 The Author(s) (or their employer(s)). Published by CSIRO Publishing
Context: Type of litter housing system is one of the most important factors affecting egg production and performance of broiler breeders.
Aims: The study aim was to determine the effect of litter and nest box type on selected production and performance traits of Ross 308 broiler breeders.
Methods: The study subjects consisted of male and female Ross 308 broiler breeders raised on a commercial poultry farm. In four poultry houses, birds were raised on a slat-litter floor, with a colony nest box type. In four other poultry houses, birds were raised on a litter floor with an open nest box type. Body weight (23 weeks and 57 weeks), feed intake and percent mortality (23–57 weeks), length of laying period, number of eggs, laying percentage and egg weight were determined or calculated and compared between housing systems.
Key results: Birds reared on a slat-litter floor with colony nest boxes had significantly lower (roosters) or higher (hens) body weight at 23 and 57 weeks of age compared to birds kept on a litter floor with open nest boxes. Both sexes housed on a slat-litter floor were characterised by significantly higher feed intake, significantly lower mortality during the reproductive period (23–57 weeks), and significantly lower egg weight compared to birds raised in the litter floor system. Litter and nest box type had no significant effect on length of laying period, number of eggs, laying percentage, and percent hatchability from set eggs.
Conclusions: Ross 308 broiler breeders kept on a litter floor with open nest boxes had some better performance parameters, but poorer liveability compared to birds kept on a litter floor and slats with colony nest boxes. The higher body weight of females kept on a slat-litter floor at the end of the reproductive period (57 weeks) compared to the same-age females kept on a litter floor is likely due to higher carcass fatness, which had an adverse effect on the number and weight of hatching eggs.
Implications: The results of this study may be useful for broiler breeder producers in their decisions about the litter system of these birds.
Keywords: body weight, broiler parent stock, egg production, feed intake, litter floor, liveability, reproduction, slat-litter floor.
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