Effect of zeolite administration on nitrogen metabolism and excretion in lactating dairy cows offered pasture herbage
K. Stelwagen
A SciLactis Ltd, Waikato Innovation Park, Hamilton 3216, New Zealand.
B DairyNZ Ltd, Hamilton 3240, New Zealand.
C Blue Pacific Minerals, Tokoroa 3420, New Zealand.
D Corresponding author. Email: kerst.stelwagen@scilactis.co.nz
Animal Production Science 61(6) 560-567 https://doi.org/10.1071/AN19674
Submitted: 29 November 2019 Accepted: 24 November 2020 Published: 15 December 2020
Context: Due to high protein concentrations in pastures, dairy cows offered a pasture-based diet often consume excess nitrogen (N), which leads to high ruminal ammonia concentrations and excessive urinary N excretion, thereby contributing to pasture N leaching.
Aims: To study the effect of administration of natural zeolite on ruminal pH and ammonia production and N excretion in lactating cows offered an all-pasture herbage diet.
Methods: In a metabolism stall trial using a crossover trial design, rumen-cannulated Friesian cows were administered either zero (Control, n = 16) or 400 g/day of zeolite (Zeolite; n = 16). Zeolite was divided into two equal portions and administered directly into the rumen before feeding fresh-cut ryegrass-clover herbage at 07:30 and 15:30 hours. Cows were kept in the metabolism stalls for two measurement periods of 5 days each, with each period preceded by an adaptation/washout period of 2 weeks. Feed intake, milk yield, total urine and faecal outputs were measured daily. During the last day of each measurement period ruminal fluid and blood were frequently sampled.
Key results: Zeolite administered at 2.2% of dry matter intake (DMI) did not affect daily DMI. Moreover, milk yield and milk composition, including milk urea, were not affected by zeolite administration. In cows administered zeolite the mean 24-h ruminal ammonia concentration was reduced by 1.5 mmol/L (9%) and the ruminal pH pattern in zeolite-administered cows over 24 h was above that of Control cows, but the overall effect on pH was not significant. Zeolite had no effect on plasma urea, total urinary N excreted or faecal N. Of the total N excreted across the groups, 21.7, 50.6 and 27.7% was excreted into milk, urine and faeces respectively.
Conclusions: Zeolite administration reduced ruminal ammonia concentration but this did not result in reduced urinary N excretion in dairy cows offered pasture.
Implications: Dietary supplementation with zeolite may help to improve aspects of ruminal function in cows consuming pasture, but is unlikely to be an effective tool for reducing N leaching from pastures.
Keywords: dairy, nitrogen excretion, plasma urea, ruminal pH, zeolite.
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