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Australian Mammalogy Australian Mammalogy Society
Journal of the Australian Mammal Society

Just Accepted

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A review of the ecology and conservation of the yellow-bellied glider

Ross Goldingay 0000-0002-6684-9299


The conservation of Australia’s wildlife requires detailed knowledge of the ecology of individual species. The yellow-bellied glider (Petaurus australis) is a forest-dependent species of mainland Australia that has been a focal species for research, and is now listed as a threatened species throughout its geographic range. I reviewed 161 articles, which revealed the most frequently covered topics were on its diet and foraging behaviour, habitat and, surveys and distribution. It makes frequent loud calls at night to advertise defended group territories. Its calling behaviour forms the basis of population monitoring, including recently using audio-recorders. Although dependent on tree hollows for shelter its occurrence is generally not influenced by the abundance of hollow-bearing trees. The availability of certain tree species favoured in sap feeding, and a diversity of tree species that can provide plant and insect exudates, and arthropods, appear to be more important drivers of its occurrence. Recent wildfires were documented to cause a decline in its populations. Climate change has been forecast to lead to widespread contraction in its geographic range. These threats highlight the need to identify multiple climate and wildfire refuges for this species, and to conduct long-term monitoring of these and other locations throughout its range.

AM24041  Accepted 29 January 2025

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