Australian Mammalogy
Volume 40 Number 2 2018
AM17002Blood constituents of free-ranging eastern grey kangaroos (Macropus giganteus)
Jai M. Green-Barber, Oselyne T. W. Ong, Anusha Kanuri, Hayley J. Stannard and Julie M. Old
pp. 136-145
AM16026Human–dingo interactions on Fraser Island: an analysis of serious incident reports
Rob Appleby, Jess Mackie, Bradley Smith, Lilia Bernede and Darryl Jones
pp. 146-156
AM17001Fur seals and sea lions (family Otariidae) on the breakwaters at Adelaide
Peter D. Shaughnessy, Mike Bossley and A. O. Nicholls
pp. 157-161
AM16060Scale-dependent habitat analysis and implications for climate change risk for the southern hairy-nosed wombat
Victoria M. Marshall, David A. Taggart and Bertram Ostendorf
pp. 162-172
AM17026Use of urban bushland remnants by the western ringtail possum (Pseudocheirus occidentalis): short-term home-range size and habitat use in Albany, Western Australia
Bronte E. Van Helden, Peter C. Speldewinde, Paul G. Close and Sarah J. Comer
pp. 173-180
AM17011Declines in the mammal assemblage of a rugged sandstone environment in Kakadu National Park, Northern Territory, Australia
M. Ibbett, J. C. Z. Woinarski and M. Oakwood
pp. 181-187
AM17016Identification of threatened rodent species using infrared and white-flash camera traps
Phoebe A. Burns, Marissa L. Parrott, Kevin C. Rowe and Benjamin L. Phillips
pp. 188-197
AM16047Differing mortality rates in two concurrently radio-tracked populations of koala (Phascolarctos cinereus)
Stephen Phillips
pp. 198-203
AM17033The diet of the feral cat (Felis catus), red fox (Vulpes vulpes) and dog (Canis familiaris) over a three-year period at Witchelina Reserve, in arid South Australia
John C. Z. Woinarski, Sally L. South, Paul Drummond, Gregory R. Johnston and Alex Nankivell
pp. 204-213
AM17029Population monitoring of an urban gliding mammal in eastern Australia
Ross L. Goldingay
pp. 214-219
AM17031Seasonal activity patterns of bats in North Sydney, New South Wales: implications for urban bat monitoring programs
Leroy Gonsalves and Bradley Law
pp. 220-229
AM15025The use of hair tubes in detecting irruptive arid-zone rodents
Helen Crisp, Reece Pedler and Katherine Moseby
pp. 230-233
AM14043New populations of the black-flanked rock-wallaby (Petrogale lateralis) from the Little Sandy Desert and Murchison, Western Australia
J. M. Turpin, N. E. White, J. A. Dunlop and M. J. Bamford
pp. 234-242
AM16010Tracking and tracing central Queensland’s Macroderma – determining the size of the Mount Etna ghost bat population and potential threats
John Augusteyn, Jane Hughes, Graeme Armstrong, Kathryn Real and Carlo Pacioni
pp. 243-253
AM16058Estimating the age of western grey kangaroos (Macropus fuliginosus ocydromus)
Chris Mayberry, Roberta Bencini, Peter R. Mawson and Shane K. Maloney
pp. 254-261
AM17035Insights into the pre-European mammalian fauna of the southern Flinders Ranges, South Australia
Nerida R. Liddle, Matthew C. McDowell and Gavin J. Prideaux
pp. 262-268
AM17046Reintroduction of the greater stick-nest rat (Leporillus conditor) to Heirisson Prong, Shark Bay: an unsuccessful attempt to establish a mainland population
Jeff Short, Jacqui D. Richards and Sally O'Neill
pp. 269-280
AM17036Long-term fluctuations in distribution and populations of a threatened rodent (Pseudomys novaehollandiae) in coastal woodlands of the Otway Ranges, Victoria: a regional decline or extinction?
Barbara A. Wilson, Mandy Lock and Mark J. Garkaklis
pp. 281-293
AM17014An evaluation of pipe traps for the capture of small arboreal mammals
Lee Harrison, Kylie Soanes and Rodney van der Ree
pp. 301-303
AM17021Wedgie Gold: Using metal detectors to recover PIT tags under areas used by wedge-tailed eagles and barn owls
M. Blythman, C. Sims and G. Eliot
pp. 304-306
AM16061Monitoring the threatened brush-tailed phascogale (Phascogale tapoatafa tapoatafa) at Sugarloaf Reservoir, Victoria
Mark Scida and Rob Gration
pp. 307-311
AM17010Population density of eastern grey kangaroos (Macropus giganteus) in a periurban matrix at Coffs Harbour, New South Wales
Timothy Henderson, Rajanathan Rajaratnam and Karl Vernes
pp. 312-314
AM17053Did Zaglossus bruijnii occur in the Kimberley region of Western Australia?
Andrew A. Burbidge
pp. 315-318