Australian Mammalogy
Volume 24 Number 1 2002
AM02001Common Dolphins (Delphinus Delphis) In Southern Australia: A Morphometric Study
CH Bell , CM Kemper and JG Conran
pp. 1-10
AM02011Group Characteristics, Site Fidelity And Seasonal Abundance Of Bottlenosed Dolphins (Tursiops Aduncus) In Jervis Bay And Port Stephens, South-Eastern Australia
LM Möller , SJ Allen and RG Harcourt
pp. 11-22
AM02023Commercial Swim Programs With Dwarf Minke Whales On The Northern Great Barrier Reef, Australia: Some Characteristics Of The Encounters With Management Implications
RA Birtles , PW Arnold and A Dunstan
pp. 23-38
AM02039Management Of Marine Mammal Tours On The Great Barrier Reef
T Stokes , K Dobbs and C Recchia
pp. 39-50
AM02051Establishing A Mark-Recapture Program For Dugongs In Moreton Bay, South-East Queensland
JM Lanyon , HL Sneath , JM Kirkwood and RW Slade
pp. 51-56
AM02057Australian And New Zealand Fur Seals At The Skerries, Victoria: Recovery Of A Breeding Colony
CL Littnan and AT Mitchell
pp. 57-64
AM02065At-Sea Movements Of Female Australian Fur Seals Arctocephalus Pusillus Doriferus
CL Littnan and JPY Arnould
pp. 65-72
AM02073 Satellite Tracker Deployments On Adult, Male Australian Fur Seals (Arctophalus Pusillus Doriferus): Methods And Preliminary Results
R Kirkwood , N Gales , M Lynch and P Dann
pp. 73-84
AM02085Tourist Disturbance On New Zealand Fur Seals (Arctophalus Forsteri)
LJ Boren , NJ Gemmell and KJ Barton
pp. 85-96
AM02097A Northward Spread In The Breeding Distribution Of The New Zealand Sea Lion (Phocartos Hooeri)
SD Mcconkey , H Mcconnell , C Lalas , S Heinrich , A Ludmerer , N Mcnally , E Parker , C Borofsky , K Schimanski and G Mcintosh
pp. 97-106
AM02107Pattern Of Immigration Of New Zealand Sea Lions Phocarctos Hookeri To Otago, New Zealand: Implications For Management
SD Mcconkey , S Heinrich , C Lalas , H Mcconnell and N Mcnally
pp. 107-116
AM02127Humans and the Southern Elephant Seal Mirounga leonina
H Burton and J van den Hoff
pp. 127-139
AM02141Entanglement Of Pinnipeds At Marion Island, Southern Ocean: 1991-2001
G Hofmeyr , Maine M De , Mr Beste , S Kirkman , P Pistorius and A Makhado
pp. 141-146