Australian Mammalogy
Volume 31 Number 2 2009
AM08116Using the diet of the barn owl (Tyto alba) as an indicator of small vertebrate abundance in the Channel Country, south-western Queensland
Matthew C. McDowell and Graham C. Medlin
pp. 75-80
AM09006Conservation of the false water rat (Xeromys myoides) depends on landscape complementation
Tanya L. Russell and Peter T. Hale
pp. 81-87
AM09007Use of fauna road-crossing structures in north-eastern New South Wales
Ian F. Hayes and Ross L. Goldingay
pp. 89-95
AM09012Fungi consumed by translocated Gilbert's potoroos (Potorous gilbertii) at two sites with contrasting vegetation, south coastal Western Australia
N. L. Bougher and J. A. Friend
pp. 97-105
AM09021Measurement of defaecation rates in captive swamp wallabies (Wallabia bicolor)
Bronwyn Fancourt
pp. 107-110
AM08021Population characteristics of house mice (Mus musculus) on southern Yorke Peninsula, South Australia
Helen P. Waudby
pp. 111-115
AM09009Faecal testosterone concentrations and the acoustic behaviour of two captive male Australian fur seals
Joy S. Tripovich, Tracey L. Rogers and Geoff Dutton
pp. 117-122
AM09023Remote monitoring of the behaviour and activity of captive southern hairy-nosed wombats (Lasiorhinus latifrons)
Lindsay A. Hogan, Clive J. C. Phillips, Allan Lisle, Alan B. Horsup, Tina Janssen and Steve D. Johnston
pp. 123-135
AM09016Age of road-killed common brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) and common ringtail possums (Pseudocheirus peregrinus) in an urban environment
R. A. Giffney, T. Russell and J. L. Kohen
pp. 137-142
AM09013Fate of wild-caught Antechinus flavipes released after physiological experiments
C. E. Cooper, K. Vernes and T. Cooper
pp. 143-145
AMv31n2_BRPathology of Australian Native Wildlife
by Philip Ladds
Reviewed by Pádraig J. Duignan
pp. 147-147