Australian Mammalogy
Volume 11 Number 1 1988
AM88003Distribution, populations and status of the Orange Horseshoe Bat, Rhinonicteris aurantius (Chiroptera: Hipposideridae).
S. K. Churchill, P. M. Helman and L. S. Hall
pp. 27-33
AM88005Torpor by the Honey Possum, Tarsipes rostratus (Marsupialia: Tarsipedidae), in response to food shortage and low environmental temperature.
B. G. Collins, R. D. Wooller and K. C. Richardson
pp. 51-57
AM88006Composition of the milk of the numbat, Myrmecobius fasciatus (Marsupialia:Myrmecobiidae), with particular reference to the fatty acids of the lipids.
M. Griffiths, J. A. Friend, D. Whitford and A. C. Fogerty
pp. 59-62
AM88007Responses to novelty by the Australian Swamp Rat, Rattus lutreolus (Rodentia, Muridae).
G. Bammer, S. A. Barnett and T. G. Marples
pp. 63-66
AM88008Detectability of the feathertail glider, Acrobates pygmaeus (Marsupialia: Burramyidae), in relation to measured weather variables.
R. L. Goldingay and R. P. Kavanagh
pp. 67-70
AM88009A new view of the relationships of Australian and American marsupials.
B. J. Richardson
pp. 71-73
AM88011The eastern pygmy possum, Cercartetus nanus (Marsupialia: Burramyidae), in the Australian Capital Territory.
C. R. Dickman and D. C. D. Happold
pp. 77-79