The status and seasonal occurrence of Leopard Seals, Hydrurga leptonyx, in Tasmanian waters.
D. Rounsevell and D. Pemberton
Australian Mammalogy
17(1) 97 - 102
Published: 1994
Seventy nine sightings of Leopard Seals, Hydrurga leptonyx, made over a period of 7 years in Tasmania are reported. They show that the species occurs annually in Tasmanian waters between July and November, probably as a result of northward movement from the Antarctic pack ice zone. Its seasonal occurrence in Tasmanian waters implies that it is a regular member of the marine fauna of the region. This is in contrast to previous reports that the species was a rare vagrant, occasionally stranding along the coastline. Comparisons of the age structure of H. leptonyx in Tasmania with those on subantarctic islands suggests that there is a clinal variation with latitude in the dispersal pattern, as young animals disperse further north than adults.
© Australian Mammal Society 1994