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Australian Mammalogy Australian Mammalogy Society
Journal of the Australian Mammal Society

Observations on the behaviour and ecology of the Common Wombat Vombatus ursinus in northeast Tasmania.

R.J. Taylor

Australian Mammalogy 16(1) 1 - 7
Published: 1993


Aspects of the behaviour and ecology of Vombatus ursinus were studied in largely cleared agricultural land in a coastal area in northeast Tasmania. The average density of V. ursinus was 20 over the whole study area but around in an intensively studied section. Burrows were concentrated in areas of sandy soil where a dense cover of native vegetation had been maintained. Only short, shallow burrows were present in areas of dolerite, probably because of the difficulty of digging. Home-ranges of different individuals overlapped. Wombats were not active continually through the night and varied in time of emergence from their burrow and the time spent above ground. Often more than one burrow was used on the same night, with more than one individual making use of a burrow, but usually not at the same time. Disputes over the use of burrows occurred. Individuals frequently sniffed around burrows and investigated for the presence of occupants. Males may use this as a strategy for finding females in oestrus. Mating behaviour was observed once. Wombats are solitary and actively avoid the presence of others. Odour in faecal pellets and from scent marking probably plays an important social role by providing information on the individuals sharing a home-range and the occurrence of strangers. Dominant animals may be intolerant of the presence of certain individuals within their home-range.

© Australian Mammal Society 1993

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