The systematics of tree kangaroos (Dendrolagus; Marsupialia, Macropodidae).
C. P. Groves
Australian Mammalogy
5(3) 157 - 186
Published: 1982
There are six species of the genus Dendrolagus, differing in body proportions, skull, teeth and other characters, such that they can be arranged into a more primitive group (D . inustus and D. lumholtzi) and a group with a serially increasing complex of derived characters (D. ursinus, D. matschiei and D. dorianus). The position of D. bennettianus is unclear; despite its retention of primitive features, it may show some derived characters in common with the ursinus group. The distributions and geographic variation within each of these species are delineated, and a dispersal hypothesis is put forward.
© Australian Mammal Society 1982