A review of intervention methods used to reduce flying-fox mortalities in heat stress events
Matthew Mo
A Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, Biodiversity and Conservation Division, Saving our Species Program, Parramatta, NSW 2150, Australia.
B Corresponding author. Email: matthew.mo@environment.nsw.gov.au
Australian Mammalogy 43(2) 137-150 https://doi.org/10.1071/AM20038
Submitted: 13 May 2020 Accepted: 6 July 2020 Published: 20 August 2020
Heat stress events in Australian flying-fox camps have resulted in significant numbers of flying-fox deaths. The frequency and intensity of such events have increased in recent decades, attributed to anthropogenic climate change. Evidence-based interventions are required to address this growing threat. Responders currently use different combinations of a range of intervention methods. We undertook a systematic review of heat stress interventions, which we classified as either ‘camp-scale’ or ‘individual-scale’. Camp-scale interventions included manual and automated misting of roost vegetation, whereas individual-scale interventions included spraying individual animals or removing them for intensive cooling and rehydration procedures. Our study showed that to date, evaluation of the efficacy of heat stress interventions has been largely anecdotal rather than empirical. This highlights the need for dedicated rigorous studies to evaluate the effectiveness of all the intervention methods described here. It will be especially important to understand the relationship between camp temperature and humidity levels and their influence on flying-foxes’ ability to regulate their body temperature, because high relative humidity reduces the ability of mammals to cool themselves using evaporative heat loss. The development of biophysiological measures such as temperature and humidity indices for different flying-fox species would enable meaningful interpretations of intervention trials under controlled conditions.
Additional keywords: biodiversity, bioindicator, body temperature, climate change, die-offs, flying-fox camp, heatwaves, humidity, misting, temperature, threatened species, Pteropus, thermal homeostasis, weather patterns, wildlife management.
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