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Australian Mammalogy Australian Mammalogy Society
Journal of the Australian Mammal Society

Managing the commercial harvest of kangaroos in the Murray-Darling Basin.

SR McLeod , RB Hacker and JP Druhan

Australian Mammalogy 26(1) 9 - 22
Published: 2004


In this study a new, physiologically structured model of kangaroo population dynamics is described. The model has been used to examine a wide range of harvest rate × sex ratio combinations, following a simple harvest strategy where the quota was proportional to population size. The combinations of harvest rate and sex ratio in the harvest that best suited the objectives of the stakeholder groups (non-Government conservationists, wildlife management agencies, the kangaroo industry and pastoralists) were identified using multicriteria decision analysis. The best combinations for the stakeholder groups non-Government conservationists, wildlife management agencies and the kangaroo industry were characterised by a strong male bias (90 – 100% male) and low to moderate harvest rates (10 – 40% per annum). The best solutions for pastoralists were female biased (at least 70% females) with high harvest rates (90% per annum).

© Australian Mammal Society 2004

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