Illustrated Plant Glossary

Paperback - September 2021 - AU $69.99

eBook - September 2021 - eRetailers Google Books Kobo

Explains more than 4000 plant science terms from across a broad range of topics and fields.

The Illustrated Plant Glossary is a comprehensive glossary of over 4000 terms related to plant sciences, featuring many superb colour illustrations to aid understanding. + Full description

The topics covered in this glossary include anatomy, angiosperms, bryophytes, chemistry, cytology, family specific terms, ferns and fern allies, flowers, fruit, genetics, gymnosperms, habit and growth, habitat and ecology, indumentum, inflorescence, leaves, reproduction, roots, seeds, systematics and more.

The Illustrated Plant Glossary is a must-have reference for plant scientists, plant science teachers and students, libraries, horticulturalists, ecologists, gardeners and naturalists.

- Short description


Sales in Australia and New Zealand only. Elsewhere, this title is available through CABI (external link).

Also available: Illustrated Garden Glossary.


“A good botanical glossary – and by good, I mean one that is both useful and used often – is a potent mix of art and science. In this case, the art is both literal, through Enid Mayfield’s beautifully soft and precise watercolours, and in the exquisite way the definitions are crafted and presented. The science of course is in the detail, and this is exceptional. The result is more than a charming addition to my bookshelf. It will now unseat my previous glossary of choice (from Kew Gardens no less) and sit proudly beside Benjamin Daydon Jackson’s A Glossary of Botanic Terms, a masterwork of science but not of art."
Tim Entwisle – Director and Chief Executive, Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria

"The author wanted this work to be exceptional, excellent and the very best available. Moreover, she wanted this glossary to be useful for anyone who works in, or researches, or is passionate about plants, no matter their level of knowledge or where they are in the world. To my mind, she has succeeded admirably in all of these aims."
Dr Sue Bowen, Australian Plants Journal, Winter 2021

"The author’s expertise as a scientific illustrator, clear writing style and approach to the text enabled her to simplify this complex scientific subject, making it easier for plant enthusiasts to comprehend and enjoy in one valuable reference."
Gardening Australia, October 2021

"The author’s seven-year dedication to this project is evident in the delicate but suitably detailed water-colour paintings that complement the descriptions and the extraordinary detail she has covered in plant terminology. I admire her singular dedication and application to achieve this long-term goal."
Glenn Leiper, Native Plants Queensland

"Enid Mayfield’s Illustrated Plant Glossary has all the hallmarks of a true labour of love – not least because it had a gestation period of seven years. It’s a lovely book and works on at least two levels: something to dip into now-and-then for the sheer pleasure of coming across words new to you, and to consult as-and-when needed to demystify the unusual technical term or two that botany is full of."
Nigel Chaffey, Botany One, 1 December 2021

"It is certainly worthwhile sitting down and opening Enid’s book at random and enjoying the contents and learning new terms as you browse."
Bruce McGinness, Growing Australian, December 2021

"It must be stressed that this is a book that every person who has an even slight interest in increasing their knowledge about plants should contemplate adding to their library."
Rodger Elliot, Naturelink, Summer Volume

"The Illustrated Plant Glossary demonstrates [Mayfield's] obvious talent and passion for researching incredibly complex topics and then making them accessible to a wider audience."
The Gardens magazine, Autumn 2022


Paperback | September 2021 | $ 69.99
ISBN: 9781486303533 | 332 pages | 297 x 210 mm
Publisher: CSIRO Publishing
Colour illustrations

ePDF | September 2021
ISBN: 9781486303540
Publisher: CSIRO Publishing
Available from eRetailers

ePUB | September 2021
ISBN: 9781486303557
Publisher: CSIRO Publishing
Available from eRetailers


  • Covers more than 4000 terms across a broad range of plant science topics and fields.
  • Features clearly labelled, colour illustrations of plants and plant structures, with key features highlighted to convey the meaning of botanical terms.
  • Includes a foreword by Professor Emeritus Pauline Ladiges AO FAA.


About the author


Enid Mayfield is an Honorary Associate of the Royal Botanic Gardens in Victoria, Australia. She has contributed to the Flora of Australia project and many other publications, including her own two-volume Flora of the Otway Plain and Ranges. Enid is notable for her skill in researching complex scientific topics and then writing and illustrating them to be accessible to a wider audience.