This title is no longer available in print, but can still be purchased as an eBook.
"The editor and five additional experts have done a masterful job of bringing together facts, prejudices and folklore about the quintessentially Australian immigrant, the dingo"
Joel Heinen, Biological Conservation 193, 2016
"Smith and his five expert co-authors tackle this [complex issue] with assurance in this comprehensive, well-argued, nicely illustrated book."
Peter Menkhorst, Australian Book Review, October 2015
"Given the tensions around the conservation and management of dingoes in Australia, it's often hard to find a balanced discussion on the carnivore. Nevertheless, that's exactly what's on offer here. The Dingo Debate is a fantastic summary of all the available science on dingoes, spanning evolutionary biology through to ecology... Significantly, it is so well written that non-academics are sure to gain plenty from reading."
William Geary, Wild Melbourne (blog), 15/10/2015
"As a zoologist, I have always been intrigued by this species, and after reading this book, I now have a greater understanding of all sides of the debate and a stronger understanding that the dingo is in need of greater conservation attention."
Damien P. Cancilla, Austral Ecology, 42(6), 2017
"A timely addition to the dingo specific literature, providing a detailed and intimate glimpse into the inner workings of the dingo. Given the current debate over their ecological role and/or function in the Australian landscape, perhaps it has never been such an imperative to have a thorough understanding of the dingo ‘psyche’."
Peter J. Adams, Pacific Conservation Biology 23(1), 2017
"A structured and well-researched insight into these intelligent animals and their relationship with people and Australian ecosystems."
Liz Gould, Land for Wildlife South East Queensland, April 2018
ePDF | August 2015
ISBN: 9781486300303
Publisher: CSIRO Publishing
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ePUB | August 2015
ISBN: 9781486300310
Publisher: CSIRO Publishing
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- A comprehensive and up-to-date background on the origin and history of the dingo
- The role that humans have had in 'shaping' the dingo
- The relationship between dingoes and indigenous Australians
- Detailed analysis of human-wildlife conflicts and the role persecution may play in influencing dingo phenotypes
- Non-ecological behaviours such as cognition, including examples of cognitive processes once thought limited to 'intelligent' species such as primates
- A discussion of dingoes in a global context, including comparisons to other old and new world canids including domestic dogs
1 Characteristics of the Australian dingo (Canis dingo Meyer, 1793)
2 Biology and behaviour of the dingo
3 The origin and ancestry of the dingo
4 The role of dingoes in Indigenous Australian lifestyle, culture, and spirituality
5 Dingo-human conflict: Attacks on livestock
6 Dingo-human conflict: Attacks on humans
7 Chasing the yellow dog's tail: The science of studying dingoes
8 An ecological view of the dingo
9 Dingo intelligence: A dingo’s brain is sharper than its teeth
10 The personality, behaviour and suitability of dingoes as companion animals
11 The role of private sanctuaries in dingo conservation and the management of dingoes in captivity
12 Forging a new future for the Australian dingo
View the full
table of contents (PDF).
Dr Bradley Smith is a Research Fellow in Human and Animal Psychology. He has spent the last decade conducting experimental and observational studies of dingoes in both captive and wild settings, and investigating the dingo’s controversial past. He currently serves as director of the Australian Dingo Foundation and scientific advisor for one of Australia’s largest dingo sanctuaries.
With contributions by Rob Appleby, Chris Johnson, Damian Morrant, Peter Savolainen and Lyn Watson.