The CSIRO and Baker IDI Diabetes Diet and Lifestyle Plan

Eat well, stay active and take control of type 2 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is a health priority for everyone. One in 12 adults now has diabetes. In the over-65s, it's now one in three. Chances are that diabetes could affect you, your friends or your family. Diabetes has the potential to impact on many aspects of your health, from your head to your toes. But there are many opportunities to beat diabetes or reduce its impact. The key is making simple changes to your diet and lifestyle to follow for life. + Full description

The CSIRO team that produced the bestselling Total Wellbeing Diet books has teamed up with the Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute to provide you with: expert guidance on diabetes prevention and control; what to eat, how to get fit and lose weight; easy-to-follow menu and activity plans; and tips for shopping and eating out.

Also available:
The CSIRO and Baker IDI Diabetes Recipe Book

- Short description


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  • Expert guidance on diabetes prevention and control
  • What to eat, how to get fit and lose weight
  • Easy-to-follow menu and activity plans
  • Tips for shopping and eating out


Dr Grant Brinkworth is a senior exercise and nutritional research scientist at CSIRO Food and Nutritional Sciences, he is responsible for developing and leading several large-scale clinical studies into the role of diet and exercise on weight loss and the prevention and treatment of lifestyle diseases, including obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. He has published more than 40 scientific papers and is an adjunct research fellow at the University of South Australia. He received a CSIRO Medal for Research Excellence in 2005 and the CSIRO Julius Career Development Award for outstanding scientific achievement in 2008.

Jing Hui (Jillian) Chin is an Accredited Practising Dietitian working as a research dietitian in the Clinical Research Unit of CSIRO Food and Nutritional Sciences. Jillian’s work involves the development, delivery and analysis of diets for clinical trials. She has a strong interest in the use of sustainable diets in diabetes management.

Professor Peter Clifton is a high-profile clinical and nutrition researcher for more than 20 years, he joined Baker IDI in July 2009. While he was at CSIRO, he co-authored The CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet books. His primary research interest is the use of diet in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease and its risk factors: obesity and diabetes. Peter has a clinical practice specialising in lipid management at the Flinders Medical Centre and in diabetes and cardiovascular disease at the Royal Adelaide Hospital. He has written articles for newspapers and medical magazines, discussion papers for food companies and books for the public. He is on the editorial board of four journals, a reviewer for 20 others and a reviewer for grant bodies in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Israel and Austria.

Associate Professor David Dunstan is a VicHealth Public Health Research Fellow and Co-Director of the newly established Healthy Lifestyle Research Centre at the Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute. His research focuses on the role of physical activity and sedentary behaviour in the prevention and management of chronic diseases. He leads the collaborative group that is analysing the lifestyle risk factor data collected from the Australian Diabetes Obesity and Lifestyle (AusDiab) study. He is also the creator of the physical activity program Lift for Life.

Associate Professor Jennifer Keogh is a dietitian with more than 35 years’ experience, she was a research dietitian and research scientist at CSIRO’s Food and Nutritional Sciences before moving to Baker IDI. Her current research interests are in weight-loss surgery in the treatment of obesity and the effects of salt on blood vessel function. She has published more than 50 scientific papers and is an associate editor of the Dietitians Association of Australia’s journal, Nutrition & Dietetics. At the time of writing she is Associate Professor Dietetics and Nutrition at the University of South Australia.

Dr Lance Macaulay is the Theme Leader of Obesity and Health in CSIRO’s Preventative Health Flagship, he has more than 32 years’ research experience. His interests lie in understanding the mechanisms of insulin action, diabetes and obesity. He served on the editorial boards of the journals Endocrinology and Frontiers in Biosciences. His father had diabetes for 80 years and was one of Australia’s longest-surviving people with diabetes. This continues to ignite Lance’s passion to help other diabetics live long and healthy lives.

Sonia Middleton is an Accredited Practising Dietitian who specialises in diabetes management in the Education Services arm of Baker IDI. Her role includes clinical diabetes education, health-professional training, research and commercial projects. In 2009 she was the national trainer for the Reset Your Life Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Program. Dr Phil Mohr - The senior behavioural scientist at CSIRO Food and Nutritional Sciences, where he leads the Diet, Exercise and Behaviour Research Team. He currently leads research projects for CSIRO’s Preventative Health Flagship and CSIRO’s Food Futures Flagship. His research into how people reason and make decisions about health, products and lifestyle choices applies his knowledge of psychology and methodology to produce practical outcomes. He is affi liated with the University of Adelaide and the University of South Australia, contributes to the South Australian Health Literacy Alliance and serves on the Social Science Expert Advisory Group for Food Standards Australia and New Zealand (FSANZ).

Associate Professor Manny Noakes is currently responsible for Capability Management in the CSIRO Food Nutrition and Health Science Program and is Stream Leader for Diet and Lifestyle Programs within the CSIRO Preventative Health Flagship. Manny has more than 30 years’ experience in nutrition and has published more than 100 scientific papers. She has a strong interest in diets for weight management, including the role of protein and other dietary factors in appetite regulation. She co-authored the bestselling CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet and has received several awards for research excellence, including two CSIRO medals and an Outstanding Achievement Alumni Award from Flinders University.

Pennie Taylor is an Accredited Practising Dietitian, she is the Senior Research Dietitian for the Clinical Research Unit at CSIRO Food and Nutritional Sciences. She also works part-time in diet clinics and private practice, specialising in weight management, weight-loss surgery and diabetes care. Her role at CSIRO is to liaise with senior scientists to develop and deliver designer diets for clinical trials, analyse dietary data and prepare scientific and commercial publications. Pennie has a strong interest in dietary patterns associated with weight-loss surgery and the impact of surgery on dietary tolerance and long-term weight loss.

Professor Merlin Thomas is a nephrologist (kidney specialist) at the Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute. He has published close to 150 scientific papers and has received a number of awards, including the 2005 Victorian Premier’s Award for Medical Research. His ongoing research focuses on the mechanisms of vascular and kidney damage in diabetes.

Professor Paul Zimmet AO is Director Emeritus and Director of International Research at the Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute, he has an outstanding international record in diabetes and obesity research. In 2008 he was appointed to the Federal Government’s Preventative Health Taskforce. His research in Australian, Pacific and Indian Ocean populations provided new insights into the causes of type 2 diabetes. In 2000 he led the first-ever national diabetes and obesity study in Australia (AusDiab). Paul has published more than 650 scientific papers, chapters and reviews. He is co-editor of the widely used International Textbook of Diabetes Mellitus and The Epidemiology of Diabetes Mellitus: An International Perspective.