The Challenge to Change
Australia in 2020
Edited by: Richard Eckersley, Kevin JeanseBook - January 1995 - eRetailers

What is Australia's future? What role will science and technology play in shaping it? CSIRO's leading scientists give their ideas of what the future holds.
What is Australia's future? What role will science and technology play in shaping it? Challenge to Change: Australia in 2020 highlights the choices and options Australians face. It will stimulate thought and discussion about what the Australian people want. In this book, CSIRO brings together some of its leading scientists to give their ideas of what the future holds. + Full description
Tomorrow's Australia is being created by the decisions Australians make today.
- Short descriptionNews
No longer available in a print edition.
ePDF | January 1995ISBN: 9780643097186
Publisher: CSIRO Publishing
Available from eRetailers
Some of the topics discussed are:- Biotechnology – new plants, new animals and new industries
- Food science – fresher foods and foods as medicine
- Climate and weather – greenhouse and long-term forecasts
- Sustainable agriculture – better farming practices
- Information technology and telecommunications – information anywhere, anytime on anything
- Oceans – a rich resource, if looked after
- Mining – remote controlled and environmentally safe.