Monocots: Systematics and Evolution

Edited by: Karen L Wilson, David A Morrison
Presents leading work from around the world on non-grass monocotyledons and includes reviews and current research into their comparative biology, phylogeny and classification.
Monocots: Systematics and Evolution presents leading work from around the world on non-grass monocotyledons and includes reviews and current research into their comparative biology, phylogeny and classification. + Full description
The papers are based on presentations at the Second International Conference on the Comparative Biology of the Monocotyledons, Monocots II, held in Sydney, Australia in late 1998. Many were subsequently updated or extended to take into account new information. All 72 papers have been peer-reviewed.
- Short descriptionNews
No longer available in a print edition.
"These volumes will be of keen interest to the plant systematist, and should be on the shelf of every first-rate botanical library."
L.W. Roberts, Emeritus, University of Idaho. (CHOICE v.38 no.3 Nov 2000)
"An indispensable work."
Taxon, Feb 2001
“This is a valuable addition to our knowledge of monocot biology, and provides an excellent overview of the current state of understanding. It will undoubtedly be one of the most useful and broadly cited references on monocot systematics and evolution for many years to come.”
George M. Diggs Jr., Dept of Biology, Austin College, Texas (SIDA v.19 no.3 2001)
Higher-level systematics of the monocotyledons: an assessment of current knowledge and a new classification
Mark W. Chase, Douglas E. Soltis, Pamela S. Soltis, Paula J. Rudall, Michael F. Fay, William H. Hahn, Stuart Sullivan, Jeffrey Joseph, Mia Molvray, Paul J. Kores, Thomas J. Givnish, Kenneth J. Sytsma and J. Chris Pires
A phylogenetic analysis of the monocotyledons based on morphological
and molecular character sets, with comments on the placement of Acorus and Hydatellaceae
Dennis W. Stevenson, Jerrold I. Davis, John V. Freudenstein, Christopher R. Hardy, Mark P. Simmons and Chelsea D. Specht
Seeking the dicot sister group of the monocots
M. R. Duvall
Biogeography & Fossils
Biogeographic studies in the monocotyledons: an overview of methods
and literature
John G. Conran
Monocotyledons: a review of their Early Cretaceous record
María A. Gandolfo, Kevin C. Nixon and William L. Crepet
The Australian Cretaceous and Tertiary monocot fossil record
David R. Greenwood and John G. Conran
Development & Organisation Modularity in helobial flowers
Usher Posluszny, W. Alan Charlton and Donald H. Les
Hofmeister’s Rule and primordium shape: influences on organ position
in Hedychium coronarium (Zingiberaceae)
Bruce K. Kirchoff
A model of inflorescence development
Elizabeth A. Kellogg
Stem vasculature in climbing monocotyledons: a comparative approach
P. Barry Tomlinson and Jack B. Fisher
Chemotaxonomy & Cytology
The potential for chemical characters in monocotyledon systematics
Geoffrey C. Kite, Renée J. Grayer, Paula J. Rudall and Monique S.J. Simmonds
Compositions of monocotyledon cell walls: implications for biosystematics
Philip J. Harris
Chromosome number variation and evolution in monocots
Marcelo Guerra
Variation in nuclear DNA amount (C-value) in monocots and its significance
M. D. Bennett and Ilia J. Leitch
Genomic organisation and systematics in the 21st century
(Nancy T. Burbidge Memorial Lecture)
M. D. Bennett
Micromorphology, Anatomy & Embryology
Distribution of calcium oxalate crystals in monocotyledons
Christina J. Prychid and Paula J. Rudall
Forms and sizes of sieve-element plastids and evolution of the monocotyledons
H.-Dietmar Behnke
The systematic significance of simultaneous cytokinesis during
microsporogenesis in monocotyledons
Carol A. Furness and Paula J. Rudall
Pollen of the monocotyledons: selecting characters for cladistic analysis
Madeline M. Harley and Michael S. Zavada
Embryological development in Blandfordia and Neoastelia with comments
on their systematic position
N. Prakash and M. Ramsey
Development of non-zygotic embryos from callus in three Australian monocots
Krystyna Anna Johnson
Ancestral and derived character states in seedlings of monocotyledons
H.-J. Tillich
Floral nectaries in monocotyledons: distribution and evolution
E. F. Smets, L.-P. Ronse Decraene, P. Caris and P. J. Rudall
Reproductive Biology
Pollen dispersal and the floral diversity of monocotyledons
Lawrence D. Harder
Mating strategies in monocotyledons
Spencer C.H. Barrett, Angela M. Baker and Linley K. Jesson
Incompatibility and mate recognition in monocotyledons
Tammy L. Sage, Vincenza Pontieri and Rosemarie Christopher
Mating systems and population genetics of marine angiosperms (seagrasses)
Michelle Waycott
Natural hybridization, Louisiana irises and evolutionary process
Michael L. Arnold and Renate A. Wesselingh
Types of pollen dispersal units in monocots
E. Pacini and G.G. Franchi
The diversity of pollination mechanisms in the Iridaceae of southern Africa
Peter Bernhardt and Peter Goldblatt
Floral biology of Commelinaceae
Robert B. Faden
Effects of pollinator behaviour on pollination of nectarless orchids:
floral mimicry and interspecific hybridisation
M.R.M. Neiland and C.C. Wilcock
Near-ultraviolet reflectance in Dendrobium (Orchidaceae)
James O. Indsto and Peter H. Weston
Diversification in pollination mechanisms in the Marantaceae
Helen Kennedy
Systematics of the Lilioids
Asparagales & Liliales
Consider the lilies: systematics of Liliales
Paula J. Rudall, Kate L. Stobart, Wan-Pyo Hong, J.G. Conran, C.A. Furness, G.C. Kite and Mark W. Chase
Phylogenetic studies of Asparagales based on four plastid DNA regions
M. F. Fay, P. J. Rudall, S. Sullivan, K. L. Stobart, A. Y. de Bruijn, G. Reeves, F. Qamaruz-Zaman, W.-P. Hong, J. Joseph, W. J. Hahn, J. G. Conran and M. W. Chase
Phylogeny of Amaryllidaceae: molecules and morphology
Alan W. Meerow, Michael F. Fay, Mark W. Chase, Charles L. Guy, Qin-Bao Li, Deirdre Snijman and Si-Lin Yang
Molecular phylogeny of the Convallariaceae (Asparagales)
Jun Yamashita and Minoru N. Tamura
Embryology and affinities of the Boryaceae (Asparagales)
John G. Conran and Amanda Temby
Relationships of Dietes (Iridaceae) inferred from ITS2 sequences
Rino Donato, Carolyn Leach and John G. Conran
The evolutionary relationships of the genera Drimia, Thuranthos, Bowiea
and Schizobasis discussed in the light of morphology and chloroplast
DNA sequence data
Brita Stedje
Asparagales – Orchidaceae
Mitochondrial DNA and relationships in the Orchidaceae
John V. Freudenstein, Diana M. Senyo and Mark W. Chase
Ins and outs of orchid phylogeny
Finn N. Rasmussen
The value of early floral ontogeny in the systematics of Orchidaceae
H. Kurzweil
Polyphyly of mycoheterotrophic orchids and functional influences on floral and molecular characters
Mia Molvray, Paul J. Kores and Mark W. Chase
Phylogenetic relationships within the Diurideae (Orchidaceae): inferences
from plastid matK DNA sequences
Paul J. Kores, Peter H. Weston, Mia Molvray and Mark W. Chase
Nuclear 18S rDNA sequences of Orchidaceae confirm the subfamilial status and circumscription of Vanilloideae
Kenneth M. Cameron and Mark W. Chase
DNA phylogeny and morphological diversification of Australian Dendrobium (Orchidaceae)
Tomohisa Yukawa, Koichi Kita and Takashi Handa
Dioscoreales & Pandanales
Yams and their allies: systematics of Dioscoreales
L.R. Caddick, P.J. Rudall, P. Wilkin and M.W. Chase
Evaluation of pollen and vegetative characters in the systematics of South
American species of Dioscorea (Dioscoreaceae)
Cecilia Carmen Xifreda
Palaeotropical compound-leaved yams (Dioscorea; Dioscoreaceae):
monophyly and relationships
Paul Wilkin and Liz Caddick
Partial cladistic analysis of Vellozia and characters for the phylogeny of
Renato de Mello-Silva
Systematics of the Commelinoids
Phylogeny of the palm family (Arecaceae) based on rps16 intron and
trnL–trnF plastid DNA sequences
Conny B. Asmussen, William J. Baker and John Dransfield
DNA amounts and qualitative properties of nuclear genomes in palms (Arecaceae)
Martin Röser
Towards a biogeographic explanation of the Calamoid palms
William J. Baker and John Dransfield
Homoplasy in the Commelinaceae: a comparison of different classes
of morphological characters
Timothy M. Evans, Robert B. Faden and Kenneth J. Sytsma
Poales – Bromeliaceae & Eriocaulaceae
Molecular systematic investigations in Pitcairnioideae (Bromeliaceae) as a basis for understanding the evolution of crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM)
Darren M. Crayn, Randall G. Terry, J. Andrew C. Smith and Klaus Winter
Multidisciplinary studies on Neotropical Eriocaulaceae
Ana M. Giulietti, Vera L. Scatena, Paulo T. Sano, Lara R. Parra, Luciano P. de Queiroz, Raymond M. Harley, Nanuza L. Menezes, Ana M. B. Ysepon, Antonio Salatino, Maria L. Salatino, Wagner Vilegas, Lourdes C. Santos, Carla V. Ricci, Márcia C.P. Bonfim and Elaine B. Miranda
Poales – Cyperaceae
Suprageneric phylogeny of Cyperaceae: a combined analysis
A. M. Muasya, Jeremy J. Bruhl, D. A. Simpson, A. Culham and M. W. Chase
Phylogenetic analysis of Carex (Cyperaceae): generic and subgeneric
relationships based on chloroplast DNA
Alan C. Yen and Richard G. Olmstead
Phylogenetic relationships within the heterogeneous Scirpus s. lat.
(Cyperaceae) inferred from rbcL and trnL-F sequence data
A. M. Muasya, D. A. Simpson, M. W. Chase and A. Culham
Achene structure and function of structure in Cyperaceae
Kare Arnstein Lye
Multiple evolutionary origins of C4 photosynthesis in the Cyperaceae
Connie L. Soros and Jeremy J. Bruhl
Eleocharis (Cyperaceae) in the New World
M. Socorro González-Elizondo and Jorge A. Tena-Flores
Taxonomic utility and ecological significance of comparative reproductive
biology in sedges (Cyperaceae: Schoeneae)
Margaret A. Wheeler and Jeremy J. Bruhl
Poales – Restionaceae
Restionaceae: a morphological phylogeny
H. P. Linder, B. G. Briggs and L. A. S. Johnson
A molecular phylogeny of Restionaceae and allies
Barbara G. Briggs, Adam D. Marchant, Simon Gilmore and Carolyn L. Porter
Flavonoid patterns and the phylogeny of the Restionaceae
J. B. Harborne, C. A. Williams, B. G. Briggs and L. A. S. Johnson
Reproductive patterns in relation to generic classification, habitat and
growth form in Australian Restionaceae
Kathy A. Meney
Fire response and conservation biology of Western Australian species of
John S. Pate
A study of the infrageneric classification of Alpinia (Zingiberaceae) based
on the ITS region of nuclear rDNA and the trnL-F spacer of chloroplast DNA
A. Rangsiruji, M.F. Newman and Q.C.B. Cronk
A preliminary phylogeny of the Hedychieae tribe (Zingiberaceae) based on
ITS sequences of the nuclear rRNA cistron
Rosalind J. Searle and Terry A. J. Hedderson