Animal Production Science
Volume 51 Number 4 2011
Deer Biology, Production, Management and Conservation
ANv51n4_FOForeword to 'Deer Biology, Production, Management and Conservation'
Werner Flueck, Jo Anne Smith-Flueck and Gordon Dryden
pp. ii-iii
AN10187Reintroducing the Persian fallow deer Dama mesopotamica in Israel – a chronology
D. Saltz, S. Bar David, R. Zidon, A. Dolev, A. Perelberg, R. King and O. Berger-Tal
pp. 251-258
AN10214Deer overabundance in the USA: recent advances in population control
R. J. Warren
pp. 259-266
AN10157Stem cells, stem cell niche and antler development
Chunyi Li, Fuhe Yang and Jimmy Suttie
pp. 267-276
AN10168Intraspecific variation in biology and ecology of deer: magnitude and causation
Rory Putman and Werner T. Flueck
pp. 277-291
AN10195Relationships between rank-related behaviour, antler cycle timing and antler growth in deer: behavioural aspects
L. Bartoš and G. A. Bubenik
pp. 303-310
AN10237Recent advances in the nutritional ecology of the Patagonian huemul: implications for recovery
Werner T. Flueck and Jo Anne M. Smith-Flueck
pp. 311-326
AN10174Osteological comparisons of appendicular skeletons: a case study on Patagonian huemul deer and its implications for conservation
Werner T. Flueck and Jo M. Smith-Flueck
pp. 327-339
AN10226Patagonian huemul deer (Hippocamelus bisulcus) under captive conditions: an historical overview
Fernando Vidal, Jo Anne M. Smith-Flueck, Werner T. Flueck and Eduardo Arias
pp. 340-350
AN10167Factors promoting axon growth in the deer antler
M. Nieto-Diaz, W. Pita-Thomas, R. M. Maza, M. Yunta-Gonzalez, M. J. Lopez-Rodríguez, R. Navarro-Ruiz, D. Reigada, C. Fernández-Martos and M. Nieto-Sampedro
pp. 351-354
AN10190Physiological and behavioural effects of hypoxemia in reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) immobilised with xylazine-etorphine
Tara E. Risling, Åsa Fahlman, Nigel A. Caulkett and Susan Kutz
pp. 355-358
AN10186Blood proteins of red deer introduced to Patagonia: genetic origins and variability
Werner T. Flueck and Jo Anne M. Smith-Flueck
pp. 359-364
AN10169Intraspecific phenotypic variation in deer: the role of genetic and epigenetic processes
Werner T. Flueck and Jo Anne M. Smith-Flueck
pp. 365-374
AN10286Priorities for the conservation of the pudu (Pudu puda) in southern South America
Eduardo A. Silva-Rodríguez, O. Alejandro Aleuy, Marcelo Fuentes-Hurtado, Juliana A. Vianna, Fernando Vidal and Jaime E. Jiménez
pp. 375-377
AN10287Advances in ecology and conservation of Hippocamelus species in South America
J. M. Smith-Flueck, J. Barrio, N. Ferreyra, A. Nuñez, N. Tomas, J. Guzman, W. T. Flueck, A. Hinojosa, F. Vidal, G. Garay and J. Jimenez
pp. 378-383
AN10288Policies and management of overabundant deer (native or exotic) in protected areas
G. Nugent, W. J. McShea, J. Parkes, S. Woodley, J. Waithaka, J. Moro, R. Gutierrez, C. Azorit, F. Mendez Guerrero, W. T. Flueck and J. M. Smith-Flueck
pp. 384-389