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Pacific Conservation Biology Pacific Conservation Biology Society
A journal dedicated to conservation and wildlife management in the Pacific region.

About the Journal

The Pacific region has profound problems in conservation and land management that require urgent attention. The region also has people with world-class skills and training in conservation oriented biological research.

Pacific Conservation Biology provides an important discussion forum for regional conservation issues, debate about management priorities, and dissemination of research results. The journal publishes original research, reviews and perspectives.

The journal was founded by Mr Ivor E. Beatty, O.A.M. Ivor's interest in the natural environment was expressed through an extensive range of books on conservation topics that his company Surrey Beatty and Sons Pty Ltd published, as well as this journal, which he founded in 1994. As of 2015 CSIRO Publishing is proud to continue Ivor Beatty's legacy by publishing Pacific Conservation Biology.

Publishing Model: Hybrid. Open Access options available.


Research biologists, wildlife and natural resource managers, academics and students. The journal provides practical application of conservation research for resource managers and policy makers charged with protecting biological diversity and implementing conservation science.


The Ivor Beatty Award has been established to honour the contribution Ivor Beatty made in his life to conservation biology in the Pacific region. It will be awarded annually for the best paper published in the journal as judged by the Editor-in-Chief and the Managing Editors.

Society Links

Pacific Conservation Biology is affiliated with the Society for Conservation Biology Oceania.

Social Media

Follow the journal on social media using the hashtag #PacificConsBio

Bibliographic Details

ISSN: 1038-2097
eISSN: 2204-4604
Frequency: 6 issues per year
Current Issue: Volume 31 (1)
Impact Factor: 1.6

Indexed/Abstracted in:

  • BIOSIS Previews
  • CAB Abstracts
  • EBSCO/EBSCO Discovery
  • Embiology
  • Geobase
  • ProQuest (Ex Libris)
  • Scopus
  • Zoological Record
  • Emerging Sources Citation Index

CSIRO Publishing publishes and distributes scientific, technical and health science books, magazines and journals from Australia to a worldwide audience and conducts these activities autonomously from the research of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO). The views expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent those of, and should not be attributed to the publisher or CSIRO.

Committee on Publication Ethics

Expressions of Interest

Expressions of interest are invited for an Editor-in-Chief or joint Editors-in-Chief, commencing July 2025.

Ivor Beatty Award

Kit Prendergast has been awarded the Ivor Beatty Award for 2023.
