Australian Lizards

A Natural History
By: Steve K WilsonA journey through the remarkable life of lizards and how they survive in a complex world of predators and competitors.
The extraordinary lives of lizards remain largely hidden from human eyes. Lizards feed, mate, lay eggs or give live birth, and carefully manage their temperatures. They struggle to survive in a complex world of predators and competitors. + Full description
The nearly 700 named Australian species are divided into seven families: the dragons, monitors, skinks, flap-footed lizards and three families of geckos. Using a vast array of artful strategies, lizards have managed to find a home in virtually all terrestrial habitats.
Australian Lizards: A Natural History takes the reader on a journey through the remarkable life of lizards. It explores the places in which they live and what they eat, shows how they make use of their senses and how they control their temperatures, how they reproduce and how they defend themselves.
Lavishly illustrated with more than 400 colour photographs, this book reveals behavioural aspects never before published, offering a fascinating glimpse into the unseen lives of these reptiles. It will appeal to a diverse readership, from those with a general interest in natural history to the seasoned herpetologist.
Recipient, 2013 Whitley Awards Certificate of Commendation: Natural History
- Short descriptionNews
This title is no longer available in print format, but can still be purchased as an eBook.
"Australian Lizards is the ideal reference book for kids studying for a project ... I highly recommend this book. You will never see lizards the same way again!"
Tierney Reardon, The Helix, pp.34, 2013
"... has good clear photos, most of them taken by the authors themselves, indicating a serious commitment to travel to remote regions ... had me itching to get out and see more of these animals in the wild."
Tim Low, Wildlife Australia, Autumn, pp.45-46, 2013
"Steve K Wilson's new book Australian Lizards is not a catalogue, like a bird book, but a wonderful journey of discovery through the lives of some of Australia's seven families of lizards. Wilson's enthusiasm for lizards is infectious, his writing is clear and entertaining, and the photographs in this beautifully produced book are stunning."
Nick Goldie, Summit Sun, pp. 5, January 2013
"The author admits up front that he has been "completely enraptured by the charm of lizards" since he was a toddler. This book represents a lifetime of enjoying lizards and is a remarkable synthesis of such knowledge. We are lucky to be able to access such knowledge and the incredible photographs throughout this book."
Deborah Metters, Land for Wildlife South East QLD, pp. 13, January 2013
"After years of explaining it to people one-on-one, seasoned photographer and reptile expert Steve K. Wilson, based at the Queensland Museum, thought it was time to open our eyes to how they eat, live and love through more than 400 beautiful images."
Australian Geographic, pp.123, December 2012
"An important addition to the Australian natural history library; time to start hinting for Christmas, I'd suggest."
Ian Fraser, Natural History Newsletter, No. 18, October 2012
"...this latest book provides the intriguing details that underpin the lives of these animals. A superb photographer, Wilson's prodigious photographic library is used to illustrate all topics in this book... Wilson possesses that rare but extremely valuable ability to translate jargon-filled 'hard' science into enjoyable, digestible information."
Nick Clemann, The Victorian Naturalist, pp. 151-152, June 2013
ePDF | October 2012ISBN: 9780643106413
Publisher: CSIRO Publishing
Available from eRetailers
ePUB | October 2012
ISBN: 9780643106420
Publisher: CSIRO Publishing
Available from eRetailers
- Over 400 colour photographs, many featuring behavioural aspects never published before
- A fascinating glimpse into the unseen lives of these reptiles
1 Meet the lizards
2 Where lizards live
3 Form and function
4 Senses: sight, scent and sound
5 How lizards manage their temperatures
6 How lizards protect themselves
7 What lizards eat
8 How lizards manage their water
9 How lizards are made
10 The fate of Australian lizards
Steve K Wilson has written numerous feature articles on natural history and has authored or co-authored seven books on Australian reptiles. He holds one of the largest private libraries of Australian reptile images, as well as natural history photographs from excursions through South-East Asia, South Asia, Melanesia, Central America, Madagascar, Africa and Europe.He has worked as an information officer at the Queensland Museum for more than 25 years, presenting talks and workshops, and acting as a liaison point between the public and curatorial staff. More recently, he has assisted the gas pipeline construction industry in devising the best methods of removing thousands of native animals trapped in long-distance pipeline trenches and collating data on their distribution.