Functional Plant Biology
Volume 34 Number 12 2007
FP06323Preliminary development of a genetic strategy to prevent transgene escape by blocking effective pollen flow from transgenic plants
Davinder Pal Singh, Angelica M. Jermakow and Stephen M. Swain
pp. 1055-1060
FP07153AtMCP1b, a chloroplast-localised metacaspase, is induced in vascular tissue after wounding or pathogen infection
Luis Castillo-Olamendi, Armando Bravo-Garcìa, Julio Morán, Mario Rocha-Sosa and Helena Porta
pp. 1061-1071
FP07205Seasonal photosynthesis and anthocyanin production in 10 broadleaf evergreen species
Nicole M. Hughes and William K. Smith
pp. 1072-1079
FP07221L-Ascorbic acid accumulation in fruit of Ribes nigrum occurs by in situ biosynthesis via the L-galactose pathway
Robert D. Hancock, Paul G. Walker, Simon D. A. Pont, Nicola Marquis, Sebastian Vivera, Sandra L. Gordon, Rex M. Brennan and Roberto Viola
pp. 1080-1091
FP07206In vivo assessing flavonols in white grape berries (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Pinot Blanc) of different degrees of ripeness using chlorophyll fluorescence imaging
Sándor Lenk, Claus Buschmann and Erhard E. Pfündel
pp. 1092-1104
FP07150The first application of terephthalate fluorescence for highly selective detection of hydroxyl radicals in thylakoid membranes
Iva Šnyrychová and Éva Hideg
pp. 1105-1111
FP07151Hydroxyl radicals are not the protagonists of UV-B-induced damage in isolated thylakoid membranes
Iva Šnyrychová, Péter B. Kós and Éva Hideg
pp. 1112-1121
FP07183Sugarcane genotypes differ in internal nitrogen use efficiency
Nicole Robinson, Andrew Fletcher, Alex Whan, Christa Critchley, Nicolaus von Wirén, Prakash Lakshmanan and Susanne Schmidt
pp. 1122-1129
FP07175Boron uptake by the root cortex symplast of tomato and pea plants: evidence for low-boron-induced active transport
Jasna Savic, Miroslav Nikolic, Slaven Prodanovic and Volker Römheld
pp. 1130-1136
FP06338Canopy development and hydraulic function in Eucalyptus tereticornis grown in drought in CO2-enriched atmospheres
Brian J. Atwell, Martin L. Henery, Gordon S. Rogers, Saman P. Seneweera, Marie Treadwell and Jann P. Conroy
pp. 1137-1149