Evaluation of the differential osmotic adjustments between roots and leaves of maize seedlings with single or combined NPK-nutrient supply
Christoph Studer A B , Yuncai Hu A C and Urs Schmidhalter AA Technical University of Munich, D-85350 Freising, Germany.
B Swiss College of Agriculture, CH-3052 Zollikofen, Switzerland.
C Corresponding author. Email: hu@wzw.tum.de
Functional Plant Biology 34(3) 228-236 https://doi.org/10.1071/FP06294
Submitted: 10 November 2006 Accepted: 27 February 2007 Published: 22 March 2007
Many physiological mechanisms associated with nutrient supply have been implicated as improving plant growth under drought conditions. However, benefits to plant growth under drought might derive from an increased recovery of soil water through osmotic adjustment in the shoots and especially in the roots. Thus, experiments were carried out to investigate the effects of the nutrients N, P and K applied singly or in combination, on the osmotic adjustment and turgor maintenance in the roots and leaves of maize seedlings. The seedlings were harvested between 18 and 37 days after sowing according to the soil matric threshold potentials. Soil matric potentials and shoot and root biomass were determined at harvest. Turgor pressure and osmotic adjustment of the leaves and roots were estimated by measurements of their water and osmotic potentials. Results showed that plants with either of the combined fertilisation treatments NPK or NP grew faster at a given level of drought stress than those with no fertilisation, N, P or K applied individually or the combined nutrient treatments PK and NK. Among the fertiliser applications with either a single or two combined nutrients, plants treated with any of N, P or NP grew faster than those with either K or NK. The association between the interactive effects of nutrients and drought stress on the osmotic adjustment and turgor maintenance in roots may partially explain the role of nutrients in drought tolerance of maize seedlings. In particular, the roots exhibited a higher osmotic adjustment than the leaves for all nutrient treatments, suggesting that shoot growth shows a higher sensitivity to water deficit compared to root growth. We conclude that the maintained turgor of roots under drought stress obtained with an optimal nutrient supply results in better root growth and apparently promotes overall plant growth, suggesting that osmotic adjustment is an adaptation not only for surviving stress, but also for growth under such conditions.
Additional keywords: maize, nitrogen, osmotic adjustment, phosphorus, potassium, turgor maintenance, water stress.
Authors thank Dr N. C. Turner, University Western Australia, School of Plant Biology, Crawley, Australia, for helpful suggestions and critical reading of the manuscript.
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