Calf Rearing

Cover image featuring two black and white calves standing in short green grass, with a blue sky background.

Paperback - October 2002 - AU $49.95

eBook - October 2002 - eRetailers Google Books Kobo

Provides information on growth, nutrition, health and behaviour as well as descriptions of various calf raising systems and facilities.

Calf Rearing is recognised as one of the most informative and accessible guides on the subject, covering growth, nutrition, health and behaviour, with descriptions of various calf raising systems and facilities. + Full description

John Moran, an expert in the field, also gives considerable coverage to calf welfare, post weaning management and calf communication. Practical economic information on feedstuffs, labour requirements and losses is provided to assist producers in selecting the most appropriate calf rearing system for their farms.

- Short description


Paperback | October 2002 | $ 49.95
ISBN: 9780643067660 | 228 pages
Publisher: Landlinks Press
Bibliography, Glossary, Photographs

ePDF | October 2002
ISBN: 9780643069909
Publisher: Landlinks Press
Available from eRetailers

ePUB | October 2002
ISBN: 9780643098725
Publisher: Landlinks Press
Available from eRetailers


New to the Second Edition:
  • Improvements to existing calf rearing systems
  • Important changes in recommendations for colostrum feeding
  • Disease prevention
  • What to do with sick calves
  • Dairy beef production
  • Economics of calf rearing
  • Best management practice for raising dairy replacement heifers


1. Introduction
2. The principles of digestion of feed in calves
3. The importance of colostrums to newborn calves
4. Nutrient requirements of calves
5. Obtaining the calves
6. Milk feeding of calves
7. Calf milk replacers
8. Solid feeds for calves
9. Communicating with the calf
10. Disease prevention in calves
11. Housing of calves
12. Welfare aspects of calf rearing
13. Post-weaning management
14. Economics of calf rearing
15. Best management practices for rearing dairy replacement heifer
Appendix 1. John Moran’s 10 golden rules for calf rearing
Appendix 2. John Moran’s golden rules of heifer rearing
Appendix 3. Glossary of technical terms
Appendix 4. Further reading


John Moran is a senior scientist at the Agriculture Victoria’s Kyabram Research Institute where he is deeply involved in improving the profitability of cattle producers in the dairy and beef industries. John has published 150 research and extension articles and written several farmer manuals on cattle nutrition, and is also the author of Heifer Rearing.