Aromatase and 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 2 localisation in the testes of pigs from birth to puberty linked to changes of hormone pattern and testicular morphology
A. Wagner A and R. Claus A BA Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Tierhaltung und Tierzüchtung, Fachgebiet Tierhaltung und Leistungsphysiologie (470A), Garbenstr. 17, 70599 Stuttgart, Germany.
B Corresponding author. Email:
Reproduction, Fertility and Development 20(4) 505-512
Submitted: 23 August 2007 Accepted: 20 January 2008 Published: 11 April 2008
Oestrogens and glucocorticoids are important for spermatogenesis and are regulated via aromatase for oestradiol synthesis and 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 2 (11β-HSD 2) as an inactivator of cortisol. In the present study postnatal changes of these two enzymes were monitored together with testicular development and hormone concentrations. Pigs were assigned to three periods: Weeks 0–5, Weeks 5–11 or Weeks 11–17. In Period 1, groups of four piglets were killed after each week. Blood plasma and testes were sampled immediately post mortem. For Periods 2 and 3, groups of six pigs were fitted with vein catheters for daily blood collection. Testes from all pigs were obtained after killing. Levels of testosterone, oestradiol, LH, FSH and cortisol were determined radioimmunologically. The 11β-HSD 2- and aromatase-expressing cells were stained immunocytochemically. All hormones were maximal 2 weeks after birth. A rise of LH, testosterone and oestradiol occurred again at Week 17. FSH and cortisol remained basal. Parallel to the first postnatal rise, the presence of aromatase and 11β-HSD 2 in Leydig cells increased, together with germ and Sertoli cell numbers. Expression was low from 3 to 5 weeks, was resumed after Week 5 and was maximal at Week 17. The amount of 11β-HSD 2 in germ cells was greatest at birth, decreased thereafter and was absent after Week 3.
Additional keywords: pig testis, postnatal development.
We thank H. Hägele and S. Knöllinger for their help in histological and steroid determinations. We also thank C. Fischinger, W. Dunne and M. Mecellem for care of the animals. This project was supported by the German Research Organisation (DFG).
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