Fetal mortality diagnosis by ultrasound in the vicuña (Vicugna vicugna)
Juan F. Aller A C , G. E. Rebuffi B , A. K. Cancino B and R. H. Alberio AA Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria, Estación Experimental Balcarce, Buenos Aires, C.C. 276 (7620), Balcarce, Argentina.
B Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria, Campo Experimental de Altura, Abra Pampa, Jujuy, Argentina.
C To whom correspondence should be addressed. email: jaller@balcarce.inta.gov.ar
Reproduction, Fertility and Development 15(2) 125-128 https://doi.org/10.1071/RD02097
Submitted: 1 October 2002 Accepted: 24 February 2003 Published: 24 February 2003
Ultrasonography is widely used in domestic species of camelids, but there is no information about the use of this technique for pregnancy diagnosis and determination of embryonic or fetal losses in the vicuña (Vicugna vicugna). The study was performed in 202 vicuñas (3-year-old females, n = 31; adult females, n = 171) mated during the summer months (January through March 2001) at the Abra Pampa Experimental Farm of Altitude in north-west Argentina. Transrectal ultrasound examination was performed in May (estimated 40–120 days of gestation) to determine the number of pregnant females. The pregnancy rate was 45.5% (92/202). No significant difference (P > 0.05) was observed between the pregnancy rate of 3-year-old females (41.9%) and adult females (46.2%). In December (estimated 250–330 days of gestation) of the same year, a second ultrasonographic study was performed on those vicuñas that were diagnosed as pregnant from the first ultrasound scan. Of 92 animals diagnosed as pregnant in May, only 84 were present in December, because eight females died in the period of study. Overall, 11.9% (10/84) of fetuses were lost during the period (18.1% in 3-year-old vicuñas and 10.9% in adult vicuñas). In conclusion, transrectal ultrasonography was found to provide a rapid and non-invasive means for pregnancy and fetal mortality diagnosis in vicuñas.
Extra keywords: embryonic loss
We thank Mr Rene Cabrera for help with animal management. This study was supported by the International Foundation for Science (IFS, Grant B–2514–2F).
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