Spatial distribution and sequential sampling of Nysius spp. (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae) on sunflowers
PG Allsopp, S Iwao and LR Taylor
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture
28(2) 279 - 282
Published: 1988
Counts of adults of mixed populations of Nysius vinitor Bergroth and N. clevelandensis Evans on preflowering and postflowering sunflowers did not conform to the Poisson distribution because of overdispersion. Preflowering samples did not conform to the negative binomial model, but postflowering samples did with a common k of 3.78. Both sets of samples fitted significantly (P<0.01) Iwao's patchiness regression and Taylor's power law, but with significantly (P<0.01) different intercepts and slopes, respectively. Relationships to determine sample sizes for fixed levels of precision and fixed-precision-level stop lines are developed for both stages of crop development using Taylor's power law. Sequential decision plans based on Iwao's regression are developed for use in the management of Nysius spp. on preflowering and postflowering sunflowers.
© CSIRO 1988