Biochemical properties and ultrastructure of mesophyll and bundle sheath thylakoids from maize (Zea mays) chloroplasts
Nahida K. Aliyeva

A Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnologies, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, 11 Izzat Nabiyev Str, Baku AZ1073, Azerbaijan.
B Laboratory of Electron Microscopy of the SRC of Azerbaijan Medical University, 163 A Samad Vurgun, Baku AZ1078, Azerbaijan.
C Department of Histology, Embryology and Cytology, Azerbaijan Medical University, 163 A Samad Vurgun, Baku AZ1078, Azerbaijan.
D Corresponding author. Email:
This paper originates from a presentation at the 10th International Photosynthesis and Hydrogen Energy Research for Sustainability Meeting held in St Petersburg, Russia, 23–28 June 2019.
Functional Plant Biology 47(11) 970-976
Submitted: 7 January 2020 Accepted: 11 April 2020 Published: 24 June 2020
A characteristic feature of C4 plants is the differentiation of the photosynthetic leaf tissues into two distinct cell types: mesophyll (M) and bundle sheath (BS) cells. We have investigated several biochemical parameters, including pigment composition, polypeptide patterns, fluorescence at 77K, the activity of photosystems and ultrastructure of mesophyll and bundle sheath chloroplasts of maize (Zea mays L.) plants. It is shown that the BS chloroplasts have ~2-fold higher chlorophyll a/b ratio than M chloroplasts, 6.15 and 3.12 respectively. The PSI apoprotein (68 kDa) was more abundant in BS than in M thylakoids. Polypeptides belonging to PSII core antenna, are in similar amounts in both types of membranes, but the 45kDa band is more intensive in M thylakoids. Polypeptides in the region of 28–24 kDa of the light-harvesting complex of PSII (LHCII) are also present in both types of chloroplasts, though their amounts are reduced in BS thylakoids. The chlorophyll fluorescence emission spectra in M cells showed the presence of three bands at 686, 695 and 735 nm characteristics of LHCII, PSII core and PSI complexes, respectively. However, in the fluorescence spectrum of agranal plastids, there are almost traces of the band at 695 nm, which belongs to the PSII core complex. The research results revealed that the photochemical activity of PSII in BS chloroplasts is ~5 times less than in the chloroplasts of M cells. The highest PSI activity was found in maize BS chloroplasts.
Additional keywords: chlorophyll, chloroplasts ultrastructure, fluorescence, mesophyll and bundle sheath thylakoids, photosystems, Z. mays.
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