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Australian Journal of Zoology Australian Journal of Zoology Society
Evolutionary, molecular and comparative zoology
Australian Journal of Zoology

Australian Journal of Zoology

Volume 61 Number 4 2013

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The distribution of modern specimens of Dasycercus blythi and D. cristicauda and Dasycercus sp. from cave deposits has been mapped to aid in assessment of the conservation status of the species. Modern specimens were distinguished by tail morphology, but further studies are required to establish the specific identity of cave specimens.
Photo by P. A. Woolley and D. Walsh.

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Common dolphins are subject to large-scale fishing activity and tourism operations in South Australia; however, there is a paucity of data on this species. This paper describes the behaviour of common dolphins in Australian waters for the first time, and outcomes can be used to manage potential population-level threats.
Photo by Nicole Filby.

ZO13041Using phytohaemagglutinin to determine immune responsiveness in saltwater crocodiles (Crocodylus porosus)

John W. Finger Jr, Amanda L. Adams, Peter C. Thomson, Cathy M. Shilton, Greg P. Brown, Christopher Moran, Lee G. Miles, Travis C. Glenn and Sally R. Isberg
pp. 301-311
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Immune responsiveness, the ability of an organism to effectively respond following antigenic exposure, is an essential component of life history; however, immune status is also associated with concomitant trade-offs in physiology. Herein, we demonstrate the validation of phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) injection in saltwater crocodiles, Crocodylus porosus, to assess cellular immune responsiveness.
Photo by Ashley Lynn Finger.

ZO12122Individual variation in vigilance in female eastern grey kangaroos

R. J. Dannock, S. P. Blomberg and A. W. Goldizen
pp. 312-319
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Individual female eastern grey kangaroos were found to differ in their vigilance behaviour. Individuals varied in the proportion of time spent vigilant, their use of vigilance postures, and the effect of the presence of males on their vigilance. Variation in vigilance, and thus time spent foraging, may have significant fitness consequences.
Photo by Rebecca Dannock.

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Different larval stages (Gosner stages 22 to 41) of Rhinella marina and Limnodynastes peronii were exposed to a range of atrazine concentrations (0 to 24 mg L–1) for 96 h. The late larval stages showed more sensitivity than early stages in both species and L. peronii showed greater sensitivity than R. marina.
Photo by Khurshida Akter Siddiqua.

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This study quantified the survival of first-instar Chortoicetes terminifera from different water-immersion periods and temperatures. Survival times ranged from LT50 = 8.12 ± 0.26 h at 15°C to 4.93 ± 0.30 h at 25°C. Nymphs entered a coma-like state within 2 min of immersion and recovery took longer at higher temperatures.
Photo by James Woodman.

ZO13025Individual traits influence vigilance in wild female eastern grey kangaroos

A. M. Edwards, E. C. Best, S. P. Blomberg and A. W. Goldizen
pp. 332-341
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Individual traits, including boldness, body condition and individual identity, but not reproductive state, were found to influence vigilance patterns in wild female eastern grey kangaroos. This suggests that animals’ personality traits may co-vary with vigilance, and highlights the importance of individual-level variation in vigilance behaviour.
Photo by Amy Edwards.

ZO13047Insectivory in Fijian flying foxes (Pteropodidae)

Annette T. Scanlon, Sophie Petit and Leonel da S. Sternberg
pp. 342-349
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Scat and isotope (hair) analyses for three Fijian flying-fox species revealed a narrower dietary breadth for Notopteris macdonaldi and Pteropus samoensis than for P. tonganus, the most frequent consumer of invertebrates other than moths.
Photo by G. Bottroff.

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