Australian Journal of Zoology
Volume 40 Number 2 1992
ZO9920127Specific Identity Is Not Correlated With Behavioral and Life-History Diversity in Antechinus-Stuartii Sensu-Lato
A Mcnee and A Cockburn
pp. 127-133
ZO9920135Body-Temperature and Diurnal Activity Patterns in the Platypus (Ornithorhynchus-Anatinus) During Winter
GC Grigg, L Beard, TR Grant and M Augee
pp. 135-142
ZO9920143Determining Blubber Mass in the Southern Elephant Seal, Mirounga-Leonina, by Ultrasonic and Isotopic Techniques
DJ Slip, HR Burton and NJ Gales
pp. 143-152
ZO9920153Ultrastructure of Spermatogenesis of Syndisyrinx-Punicea (Hickman, 1956) (Platyhelminthes, Rhabdocoela, Umagillidae)
MM Li, NA Watson and K Rohde
pp. 153-161
ZO9920173Evolutionary Relationships of the Australasian Mud-Nesters (Grallinidae, Corcoracidae) - Immunological Evidence
PR Baverstock, R Schodde, L Christidis, M Krieg and J Birrell
pp. 173-190
ZO9920195The Duration of Lactation in Antechinus-Stuartii (Marsupialia, Dasyuridae)
A Cockburn
pp. 195-204
ZO9920205Canopy Ant Communities in the Semiarid Mallee Region of North-Western Victoria
AN Andersen and AY Yen
pp. 205-214
ZO9920215Growth, Sexual Maturity and Food-Intake of Australian Indian-Ocean Bottle-Nosed Dolphins, Tursiops-Truncatus, in Captivity
AJ Cheal and NJ Gales
pp. 215-223
ZO9920225Biochemical Systematics of the Australian Dotterels and Plovers (Charadriiformes, Charadriidae)
PD Christian, L Christidis and R Schodde
pp. 225-233