Australian Journal of Zoology
Volume 28 Number 2 1980
ZO9800185Observations on the Morphology and Histochemistry of the Venom Glands of a Scorpion, Urodacus Novaehollandiae Peters (Scorpionidae).
SA Halse, PL Prideaux, A Cockson and KT Zwicky
pp. 185-194
ZO9800229Body Temperature Variability in the Australian Water Rat, Hydromys chrysogaster, in Air and Water
FD Fanning and TJ Dawson
pp. 229-238
ZO9800249Development of the Adrenal Gland in the Tammar Wallaby, Macropus Eugenii (Desmarest) (Marsupialia: Macropodidae).
RN Call, PC Catling and PA Janssens
pp. 249-259